12,000 views later and the viral video of the empty OnePlus One unboxing was set as private and unable to be viewed. The poster, and unfortunate victim of has now posted a new video explaining be believes the delivery company is to blame for his missing OnePlus One.
It just shows just how much hype and popularity OnePlus has that this mornings empty OnePlus One unboxing even managed to make headlines. If you missed the video then you basically missed the moment when Italian “Smash the past” Winner Madz’s had his heart broken when he opened up a box containing nothing more than a thank you from Pete Lau.
We figured at the time of posting that this was likely due to the phone being stolen by a postal employee, and now it seems the delivery company are being help responsible for the reported theft. The poster of the video has now uploaded a new video explaining what he now suspects and telling how he believes OnePlus are not to blame.
OnePlus quickly contacted the winner and are now investigating the issue. We hope that the rest of the OnePlus One customers are more fortunate with their deliveries.