Emails sent to current OnePlus One invite holders seem to indicate that the much hyped but equally criticized phone may be delayed further.
According to the email sent out by OnePlus, the OnePlus One’s software is the reason for the delay. The company says that the software just received a “major update” that prevents them from being able to confirm an exact release date.
A CyanogenMod developer, who you’ll likely remember is developing the OnePlus One’s software, says that the problem arose because of the recent security issues with openSSL that were revealed to the public back on June 5th.
Plenty will criticize OnePlus for allowing its phone to be delayed, and some of it might be warranted. However, it isn’t as simple as putting out an over-the-air (OTA) update and patching the problem. While OnePlus will likely have to do that for the phones it has already released in the wild, it is always better to patch things up before they leave the factory floor is possible. This is especially true when dealing with anything security.
Still, a late phone is a late phone, and if OnePlus doesn’t deliver soon, those that love to hate them will have plenty of ammo to play with.
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