In the first case of its kind, Xiaomi have reached out to Chinese reseller Xiaomiworld asking them to cease sales of Xiaomi phones outside of China.
Xiaomiworld had become one of the web’s go to online stores for Xiaomi smartphones for customers living outside of China and the few markets where Xiaomi officially trades.
Today Xiaomiworld have posted a message on its social networks stating that Hugo Barra has contacted the company personally asking if they could cease sales outside of China and for the two to speak about a possible solution. We don’t know if this is an isolated case or if Xiaomi are now targeting other resellers too.
Xiaomiworld now suggests that customers buy from one of the official Xiaomi websites until the issue has been resolved. What do you think of this? On the one hand Xiaomi are have the right to do this, but on the other they are making their products even more difficult to buy.
[ Xiaomiworld ]
I buy my Xiaomi gadgets at Ibuygou. Shops like these are one of the reason why Xiaomi is so big outside China. This is one of the reasons why people want Xiaomi to expand to other countries. The customers outside Asia are also a huge part of the reason why this brand is very popular.
If Xiaomi doesn’t want to sell these devices to webshops, then they should sell their devices one by one, so people in China will get more luck to purchase one (I hope they don’t change it, because it would be very hard for me to get one :)).