So what are OnePlus in the headlines for this time? More controversial promotions? Or a new invite policy? Nope this time it is much more serious and harmful!
Over on the OnePlus forums today, customer and fan of the Chinese phone start up MiYzu, posted photos of his OnePlus One. Nothing out of the ordinary there, except this OPO had exploded which he was in the subway!
According to MiYzu, he was simply walking through the subway when his OnePlus One exploded in his back pocket. The resulting explosion ripped a hole through the jeans and burnt the skin of the user’s leg. The phone of course is totally destroyed and the incident has sparked a 39 page thread on the official OnePlus forums.
The OnePlus team have already responded saying that the phone will be replaced, and any financial loss or medical expenses will be covered by the company, suggesting that either they are trying to be really helpful about the situation or have already accepted liability.
So far this is the first OnePlus One explosion and the victim in the incident had commented that the phone did get hot while charging. Exploding phones do hit the headlines now and then and even Apple have had their share of complaints in the past.
As for OnePlus, well it is an unfortunate situation for the company and they do seem to be handling it as they should, although there are comments on the forum suggesting MiYzu sue the phone maker.
OnePlus One Explosion
MiYzu, seems to be taking things well considering a phone exploded in his pants.
What would you do in this situation? Would you take it on the chin and accept what the company offers or would you go to court?
[ OnePlus ]
wtf thing ,wishing you ok….
This is the Same guy who complained about Charger Getting Hot. Even the Chargers from big brands get hot. i think he used another charger. we will know what happened when Oneplus investigate the burned phone.
actually, its cool when it not in the need of charging, i have it plugged in all the time and it doesn’t do strange noisess nor is getting hot, only when it’s charging the phone