Viro, the smartphone with green tech, vanishes from the web

viro phone

A few days ago we posted news about Viro, a smartphone startup which made outlandish claims to battery life. Unsurprisngly the company seems to have completely disappeared now from the web.

Viro grab the attention of sites around the globe with claims of a smartphone that did not need to be recharged, and the use of green energy. Their Facebook page (now removed) also made hints at the use of a Snapdragon 810 chipset, and busied itself building fans at a steady pace.

We’re not entirely sure what Viro were playing at, but today while taking a look for some news about the project we discovered that the getViro website, and Facebook page are no longer accessible!

So what has happened to the green smartphone maker? Were they just a marketing stunt, a scam in the making, or has something delayed the project? We have reached out to Viro via email and wait for their response.

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  1. Allanitomwesh
    September 12, 2014

    More likely they were misunderstood,and they are not making a “supergreen” phone,just more green than most. Hence,PR are doing damage report.

  2. kolyamba
    September 12, 2014

    If you want “green” phone, you need snapdragon’s series 200 or 400, not 810. same for resolution (720p is enough, they were speaking about full hd). and etc.

  3. realjjj
    September 12, 2014

    All i can find so far is some italian sites saying it was students doing a social experiment

  4. Danny H.
    September 12, 2014

    Seems like the old adage still right huh! “if something sounds too good to be true then…” ?

  5. Angry Mobile Nerd
    September 12, 2014

    In the original launch article I commented “Reeks of bullsh*t”.

    How right I was. I have a good nose for these things.

  6. Allanitomwesh
    September 12, 2014

    More likely they were misunderstood,and they are not making a “supergreen” phone,just more green than most. Hence,PR are doing damage report.

  7. kolyamba
    September 12, 2014

    If you want “green” phone, you need snapdragon’s series 200 or 400, not 810. same for resolution (720p is enough, they were speaking about full hd). and etc.

  8. balcobomber25
    September 12, 2014

    Sounds like One Plus One style marketing….

    • chinda
      September 12, 2014

      OnePlus One delivered on most of there promises. Ive had mine for over two months, its better than rival phones & is less than half price. Not bad for a start ups first phone 😉

      • balcobomber25
        September 12, 2014

        I meant more the marketing of the whole invite system more so than phone features. Creating demand and not being able to meet the supply.

        Opo is far from a true “start up” they are a subsidiary of OPPO which itself is a subsidiary of BBK Electronics (also owns Memorex and Vivo).

  9. realjjj
    September 12, 2014

    All i can find so far is some italian sites saying it was students doing a social experiment

  10. Danny H.
    September 12, 2014

    Seems like the old adage still right huh! “if something sounds too good to be true then…” 😀

  11. Danny H.
    September 12, 2014

    Seems like the old adage still right huh! “if something sounds too good to be true then…” 😀

  12. Angry Mobile Nerd
    September 12, 2014

    In the original launch article I commented “Reeks of bullsh*t”.

    How right I was. I have a good nose for these things.

  13. iKosh
    September 12, 2014

    They just realized that the greenest thing to do is not to make a phone at all and went nursing babyseals.

  14. balcobomber25
    September 12, 2014

    Sounds like One Plus One style marketing….

    • Guest
      September 12, 2014

      OnePlus One delivered on most of there promises. Ive had mine for over two months, its better than rival phones & is less than half price. Not bad for a start ups first phone 😉

    • balcobomber25
      September 12, 2014

      I meant more the marketing of the whole invite system more so than phone features. Creating demand and not being able to meet the supply.

      Opo is far from a true “start up” they are a subsidiary of OPPO which itself is a subsidiary of BBK Electronics (also owns Memorex and Vivo).

  15. balcobomber25
    September 12, 2014

    Sounds like One Plus One style marketing….

    • Guest
      September 12, 2014

      OnePlus One delivered on most of there promises. Ive had mine for over two months, its better than rival phones & is less than half price. Not bad for a start ups first phone 😉

    • balcobomber25
      September 12, 2014

      I meant more the marketing of the whole invite system more so than phone features. Creating demand and not being able to meet the supply.

      Opo is far from a true “start up” they are a subsidiary of OPPO which itself is a subsidiary of BBK Electronics (also owns Memorex and Vivo).

  16. Nikos
    September 12, 2014

    I don’t know if it’s their new page or a fake one, i just found it.

    • Gabriele Bonomo
      September 12, 2014

      big fake of the big fake XD

  17. iKosh
    September 12, 2014

    They just realized that the greenest thing to do is not to make a phone at all and went nursing babyseals.

  18. Nikos
    September 12, 2014

    I don’t know if it’s their new page or a fake one, i just found it.

    • Gabriele Bonomo
      September 12, 2014

      big fake of the big fake XD

  19. yudhir
    September 13, 2014

    “It could be a 15 year old behind all this..” I feel so proud saying this then !

  20. Madhan Kumar
    September 13, 2014

    Below image,seems to have appeared for a few minutes on the site, before disappearing completely.

    This image states”it was a test / project for the university.Thank you for being fooled!

    Source: So,my friend’s always be cautioned!

  21. yudhir
    September 13, 2014

    “It could be a 15 year old behind all this..” I feel so proud saying this then !

  22. Madhan Kumar
    September 13, 2014

    Below image,seems to have appeared for a few minutes on the site, before disappearing completely.

    This image states”it was a test / project for the university.Thank you for being fooled!

    Source: So,my friend’s always be cautioned!

  23. Kev45
    September 14, 2014

    Fake Viro, no facebook, no youtube, no site, Big fake !!!!!!!!

  24. Kev45
    September 14, 2014

    Fake Viro, no facebook, no youtube, no site, Big fake !!!!!!!!

  25. G799
    September 14, 2014

    This recent Italian article about Viro needs to be translated into English:

    Meanwhile, Android smartphone concept artist Jermaine Smit a.k.a. “androidjs” claimed that Viro’s Facebook page, Google+ page, and YouTube channel were down “for a short time.” (Also, Viro’s Twitter account is deactivated.)

    Another development on the issue: Comes from a new Facebook page named “Viro: the first smartphone 2.0”
    “No, it isn’t but we open this page because the first page closed for report
    And we continued the project the new smartphone”

    Kokorone on the OnePlus forums posted a possible factor in the closure of Viro’s website as wells as its social media accounts:
    “Most likely someone called them out, probably from [Q]ualcomm because
    manufacturers can’t even use the 810 yet as it is not available, and
    they bailed quick before they were exposed

    oalexander, again from the OnePlus forums, claimed that “their [Viro’s] site says its not the official site either so stay tuned for 1st [O]ctober lets see”.

    A claim from another OnePlus forum member Mat972 that requires verification from Qualcomm:
    “VIRO gave an interview on a website (Italian or something) and they say
    at first they choose Snapdragon 801 but Qualcomm saw all of the VIRO
    project and decide to offer Snapdragon 810 instead.”

    Viro has been linked to an organization named “Loopjt” — which one of its members is the listed registrar of the domain and sme of the listed “employees” have connections with the University of Bari. (The thread on OnePlus forums about the Viro-Loopjt connection has been deleted.)

    Prepare for more efforts to expose the “Viro” brand and the people behind it.

  26. Guest
    September 14, 2014

    This recent Italian article about Viro needs to be translated into English:

    Meanwhile, Android smartphone concept artist Jermaine Smit a.k.a. “androidjs” claimed that Viro’s Facebook page, Google+ page, and YouTube channel were down “for a short time.” (Also, Viro’s Twitter account is deactivated.)

    Another development on the issue: Comes from a new Facebook page named “Viro: the first smartphone 2.0”
    “No, it isn’t but we open this page because the first page closed for report
    And we continued the project the new smartphone”

    Kokorone on the OnePlus forums posted a possible factor in the closure of Viro’s website as wells as its social media accounts:
    “Most likely someone called them out, probably from [Q]ualcomm because
    manufacturers can’t even use the 810 yet as it is not available, and
    they bailed quick before they were exposed

    oalexander, again from the OnePlus forums, claimed that “their [Viro’s] site says its not the official site either so stay tuned for 1st [O]ctober lets see”.

    A claim from another OnePlus forum member Mat972 that requires verification from Qualcomm:
    “VIRO gave an interview on a website (Italian or something) and they say
    at first they choose Snapdragon 801 but Qualcomm saw all of the VIRO
    project and decide to offer Snapdragon 810 instead.”

    Viro has been linked to an organization named “Loopjt” — which one of its members is the listed registrar of the domain and sme of the listed “employees” have connections with the University of Bari. (The thread on OnePlus forums about the Viro-Loopjt connection has been deleted.)

    Prepare for more efforts to expose the “Viro” brand and the people behind it.

  27. Jermaine Smit
    September 18, 2014

    Sad enough it does seem like the….. with people. I was not aware of this and it was for a me a dream comming true to create things. Sad enough all seems to be fake and i am sorry for does who believed in it.

    Also sorry for my 500+ hours I putted in this… Kinda sucks…

    But with that i will go on to create and hope to find something someday that is real.

    In the meantime here is my latest concept:

  28. Jermaine Smit
    September 18, 2014

    Sad enough it does seem like the….. with people. I was not aware of this and it was for a me a dream comming true to create things. Sad enough all seems to be fake and i am sorry for does who believed in it.

    Also sorry for my 500+ hours I putted in this… Kinda sucks…

    But with that i will go on to create and hope to find something someday that is real.

    In the meantime here is my latest concept: