A few days ago we posted news about Viro, a smartphone startup which made outlandish claims to battery life. Unsurprisngly the company seems to have completely disappeared now from the web.
Viro grab the attention of sites around the globe with claims of a smartphone that did not need to be recharged, and the use of green energy. Their Facebook page (now removed) also made hints at the use of a Snapdragon 810 chipset, and busied itself building fans at a steady pace.
We’re not entirely sure what Viro were playing at, but today while taking a look for some news about the project we discovered that the getViro website, and Facebook page are no longer accessible!
So what has happened to the green smartphone maker? Were they just a marketing stunt, a scam in the making, or has something delayed the project? We have reached out to Viro via email and wait for their response.
More likely they were misunderstood,and they are not making a “supergreen” phone,just more green than most. Hence,PR are doing damage report.