OnePlus fix screen issues with latest OnePlus One OTA update

oneplus one review gizchina

Anyone out there suffering from touchscreen problems with their OnePlus One will be happy to learn that the issues have been addressed with the latest OTA update.

Owners of the OnePlus One smartphone should now be getting notifications that a new 206mb updated for their “Flagship Killer” is ready to be installed.

The update, version XNPH38R, promise to solve issues with the touchscreen as well as a few other annoying little bugs which have caused complaint:

  • Added method for users to report bugs directly to Cyanogen.
  • Added pause button during video recording.
  • Improved battery life.
  • Fixed issues with camera exposure compensation stuck in ‘auto’.
  • Fixed issues with ‘4G Preferred’ option not connecting to 3G data.
  • Fixed issues with delay in torch activation.
  • Fixed issues with unresponsive screen requiring reboot.
  • Fixed issues with static in speaker when changing volume while headset plugged in.
  • Fixed issues with rotation not triggering when rotated slowly.
  • Fixed issues with Quiet Hours / system UI causing battery drain on last day of month.
  • Fixed issues with camera not starting when LED torch is already on.
  • Fixed issues with Bluetooth volume low on connection.

If you haven’t already received the update, just keep an eye on things over the coming days as OnePlus says they are rolling it out slowly.

[ Source ]
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  1. Klaus E. Werner
    October 7, 2014

    “Improved battery life”?

    How is that possible – I’m alrady getting nearly 2 days of battery life. Perfect phone.

  2. han yuksel
    October 7, 2014

    i have intive to share..

  3. Mesterio
    October 7, 2014

    So seriously you guys waited till I sold a kidney and threw in half a heart to get ONE invite and now everyONE is sharing invites? Like it’s Christmas already? Just unfair 🙁

    • Cuerex
      October 8, 2014

      well they had no option.. it was obvious that they can’t provide such amount back then than they are today.

  4. abdirizak ibrahim
    October 8, 2014

    please give me an invite my email is ( )

  5. Johan Whalley
    October 9, 2014

    Hey, man, jest look at that long list of korrections. You wanna bet that they are 101% kosher? Being cocky and sure 101.23% of the time, an odds of 1 to vun beelon bet that the veracity of that list is not fully halal.

    The Mighty Chinese Leadership is trying to open up “Renmenbi Exchange Hubs” here, there and everywheresss resulting in the HK “Demonokrazy & Ownership Issue” Occupy Frivolity & Nonsense, a warning from The Queen’s Jermans that the main European Chinese Currency Hub had better be located in Londonium by The River Tamasik and not in Frankfurt or even Bonn, but unless and until the Chinese sell & buy “win-win” trading in the manner of selling claypot-roasted chicken feet are elevated to Western standards, it will be still non-halal lamb kebabs for all. There is only so far mesmerising the stupid & dumb will go unless the support reflects the culture where the goodies are sold. Otherwise, it will rioting here & there. Non-halal Lamb Kebab style, that is – g_d willing.