Google Nexus 6: All you need to know

So we’re in that part of the year when the world is abuzz with smartphone announcements… the big ones. Been a while since Apple did their part, and today was Google’s turn to show their magic.

As expected, the Mountain View company announced the Nexus 6 along with the HTC-made Nexus 9 tablet. But here we’ll be talking about the former, the 6-inch smartphone which is also the biggest the Nexus line of smartphones has seen. Nexus has always been about cutting edge + affordability, and up until now it does seem like the Nexus 6 will be a part of that family. Until then, lets take a look at the specifications!

Google Nexus 6 specifications

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So there’s quite a lot going on under this not-so-little device. The Nexus 6 also marks the (public) birth of the newest and greatest iteration of Android — Android v5.0 aka Lollipop.


The 6-inch screen is definitely a radical step that Google took to appease large-screen lovers, something that even Apple did with both of their phones that launched this year. Back to the Nexus 6; while there’s doubt about how much acceptability a 6-inch smartphone will have around the world, one thing that’s very clear is that no one’s going to mind the 2.7GHz quad-core monster of an SoC that comes in the form of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 805.

3GB of RAM and extremely wise storage variants in 32GB and 64GB complete the Nexus 6, along with a 13 mega-pixel rear 4K-capable camera and a 2 mega-pixel front camera. Nexus smartphones haven’t always been the best camera phones, which is something Google will look to change with the Nexus 6 and its f/2.0 sensor.

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Design is a lot like the current-gen Moto X, which is sort of disappointing; what’s good is that the Moto X has been acclaimed for exactly that. Either way, one would’ve hoped to see a new design being implemented on the Nexus 6.

Google says that the 3220mAh battery can go for more than 24 hours on a single charge, which although subjective, is a tall claim. Many smartphones of 2014 have, however, turned up to be return decent battery life which we hope is the case with the Nexus 6 as well. One thing that’s definitely going to hamper battery life is the pixel-packed screen though, but it doesn’t seem like buyers mind that! Oh and one other thing that definitely worth mentioning about the battery is quick charging: Google says 15 minutes of charging will give you 6 hours of use, which does sound pretty cool to us.

At US$649 starting, do you think the Nexus 6 will live up to the legacy?


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  1. David
    October 15, 2014

    Litteraly 2 x oneplus one, for what? 0.4″ bigger screen, slightly more ppi and 0.3GHz more? I dont think so… And 32GB LESS space

    • Adam Irvine
      October 15, 2014

      Yep, seems like a mistake by Google this time round… Maybe Motorola weren’t the right ones to play with this time round..?

      • balcobomber25
        October 15, 2014

        Motorolla overpriced their own devices as well. The Moto X is nice but not for the price they are charging. The Nexus and Moto devices were nice because they offered near flagship specs at cheap prices.

    • available
      October 15, 2014

      You should not compare it with something you can not buy

      • Manjurul Islam
        October 15, 2014

        but do you think it really was justified, the price, for the feature is has, twice the price of a current flagship from oneplus?

        • balcobomber25
          October 15, 2014

          Oneplus’s biggest problems has been the price they are offering the phone at. That is why it is so hard for people to buy them, they are losing so much money on each phone they sell. They were hoping after they launched that the cost of materials would fall and then they would create a larger supply. That hasn’t happened. The next OPO phone will be nearly twice as much.

    • Angry Mobile Nerd
      October 15, 2014

      ok I don’t like the Nexus 6 but I’m also getting pretty tired of everyone always comparing the price/performance ratio of every new phone that comes out with a freaking OnePlus One or Mi3/Mi4. Flagship phones being 2x the cost of a OnePlus One is very, very old news already.

    • balcobomber25
      October 15, 2014

      The major difference is you will actually be able to buy the Nexus 6 when it launches without a super secret invite.

    • dax
      October 16, 2014

      Cant wait for Nexus7 next year with 6.97′ lmao
      Ridiculous size and price, cant see the reason to choose Nexus 6 over Note4, don’t even mention 1+1 price here.
      Too much for too little can sum up in few words, early Os update cant justify this pricetag

  2. Manjurul Islam
    October 15, 2014

    I don’t know but I feel, completely my own personal view, nexus 6 and nexus 9 will be a big fail for Google.

    First of all regarding Nexus 6 – it is too big, much more than any other android devices and also than any rivals’ products. Specwise it could have 4 GB ram, though not needed now, but atleast a 64-bit processor like Snapdragon 810. Okay forget spec, fine. Can you please explain why the price is that much high without any huge leap in spec or production costs? Nexus 5 cost maximum 350 USD, and this new 6 starts at $650 !!! Just to compete against rivals like Apple or whatever, Google is planning to kill its android fan bases. It is in a whole – a big controversial release from Google, maybe you don’t want to sell lots of devices, but your people wants them, so please listen to them.

    Regarding Nexus 9 – it misses USB Host, OTG, only 2 GB RAM instead of 3 GB LPDDR3, come one Google, it has a better SOC than what Nexus 6 has, and you put only 2 GB standard ram, storage is damn too low 32 GB maximum and no SD card slot??? I cannot enjoy many games due to shortage on space on my Nexus 7 32 GB, and Nexus 9 with pre-loaded Android 5.0 will get ART enabled by default which requires lots of space.

    Google, listen to your people, not to some limited set of rich people for Nexus 6, and do the right justice to Nexus 9 by providing its minimal specs requirement.

    • Faux-News
      October 15, 2014

      In terms of spec, it seems to be the same leap of upgrade as it was from Nexus 4 to 5. But what changed this time around is the cost. Yet on the other hand, when it comes to Nexus phones in international markets it wasnt as cheap as sold in US, and was about 470$ until fairly recent for the 16gb version.

      • Manjurul Islam
        October 15, 2014

        And now it is not so that much cheap for US people even.. I live in USA, and I don’t know why would I buy this nexus 6 instead of iPhone 6 Plus or any cheaper alternative if I want to use android – like Oneplus, Mi4, LG G3. Actually how much performance boost will it get me for this premium price hike?

      • Stef
        October 16, 2014

        Actually S805 *is* a S800 derivative, same core (just better clocked) diff. gpu. I think it is the smallest update ever between nexus phones.

        By comparison Nexus 4 had S4 Pro (1.5Ghz, low IPC) Nexus 5 had S800 (2.3Ghz, quite higher IPC). It was a 2x difference in performance, not 10%-20% that the current nexus is.

        As for the rest, you got 1080p in nexus 5, sure you get 1440p on 6, but it is not a meaningful update if one can hardly see the difference (going from 720p to 1080p is far more visible).

        Better camera? I’m not sure; it’s of Moto make, not exactly the best people in camera making. Battery? Hmm, well yes but then again you have to juice a mammoth of a 6 inch screen.

        Spec by spec is not that of an “upgrade” in anything else but price. Nexus 5 is very viable alternative and in many cases better (much more portable and usable for one).

        This *is* a first for the Nexus line (a new Nexus which may even be worse at some things than the last one)…

        • Faux-News
          October 16, 2014

          The S810 is a 2015 release thing. So S805 is only option for the Nexus 6.

          People said the same about upgrade from 720p to 1080p that no noticeable difference was there. Back then the phone screen sizes were smaller and so on. For a 5.9inch 2k screen is a must to be counted as a beast in 2014..

          Camera and battery of Nexus was never beastly, so same trend in the Nexus 6. [Some have said the 3200mAh battery was a big deal. But my 5inch screen + 7.5mm thick Honor 6 itself has 3100mAh battery & so a 5.9inch screen + 10.6mm thick Nexus 6 having a 3200mAh is nothing great at all.]

          This time around Moto brought many of its own innovations into the Nexus line, compared to the Nexus 5 of LG which had nothing extra beyond the S800 and OIS in camera.

          Im not a Nexus fan though but i just think people are being unrealistic in terms of spec. Real shocker was in reality the screen size and pricing, which will be a issue to a big number of traditional Nexus fans. But with Moto x being a 5.2inch phone, i have come to see why Moto went for 5.9inch Nexus. As for pricing of the phone, firstly the price only matters to those within US, as it was never cheap outside US. So don’t see how it will effect the Nexus fan base outside US. And then others have talked about Nexus moving from the budget class to more premium class range.


    • Pearl
      October 16, 2014

      – no IR Blaster
      – no Barometer

  3. Mike
    October 15, 2014

    Too big…… I don’t have a purse to put in iT. 5 inch is the limit. I hope the developers start listening at posters on this site and everywhere else

    • Marius Cirsta
      October 15, 2014

      Unfortunately they don’t seem to get it yet. Everyone thinks people want bigger and bigger screen phones and it’s just like they can’t stop making them larger.
      None of the larger brands seem to want to make a flagship phone that’s under 5 inches and or lately even a 5 inch ones. It’s their loss as people who want smaller ones will buy older or entry level models and they thus loose money.
      I do wonder if anyone makes any market studies or they just KNOW what people want.

      • balcobomber25
        October 15, 2014

        The demand for larger screens comes out of the largest country and largest cell phone market in the world, China. Everyone is competing to enter the Chinese market. That is the whole reason of the Iphone 6 Plus, is to compete with Chinese flagships that are all over 5 inches.

        • Marius Cirsta
          October 16, 2014

          Sure I get it but even if say 90% want a 6 inch phone ( I doubt it ) there’s still that 10% that would love a sleek 4.5 inch flagship.
          And since everyone is competing on 5.5 to 6 inch phone I see a huge opportunity here for a company to make such an Android phone. 10% is still a lot when you have no competition.

          • ramdroid
            October 16, 2014

            ever heard of z3 compact ?!!!!!!!

            • Marius Cirsta
              October 16, 2014

              No, not really :D. I must admit I’m more into Chinese phones 🙂

          • balcobomber25
            October 16, 2014

            I doubt 90% want a 6 inch phone but I would say the majority of people want 5 inches or over. Just look at how Apple finally gave in and came out with bigger phones. The days of flagships having a screen size under 5 inches is probably over, even “mini” versions like the Z7 mini are 5 inch models. But on some phones the 5 inch version is actually the same size as older 4.5-4.7 inch models due to much thinner bezels.

  4. October 15, 2014

    Apart form the Size it’s fine. If I were a girl with a bag it would be perfect. Or if I could ever find a decent Manbag and religously carry it about also fine. It’s too flippin large, 5.2 is ideal.
    Also, I think it has OIS. So it’s a great device for the masses, if a little pricey.

  5. balcobomber25
    October 15, 2014

    Screen is too big and price is too much. Nexus phones where great because they offered flagship specs at a fraction of the cost. For $649 you can find normal flagships unlocked (M8, S5 not to mention the ones out of China that are 2-300 dollars cheaper). This decision baffles my mind, a near tablet sized phone at almost $700. What was Google thinking?

    • ramdroid
      October 16, 2014

      S5 and m8 has 3gb ram ? 805 2.7 processor ? QHD display ? OIS camera ?
      no they dont !!

      what phone comes from china with QHD and actually worth buying ? Xplay 3s and oppo find 7 … how much do these phones cost ?

      P.S: ” we all know iuni u3 is pure S*!T with the lowest quality possible”

      for me i will be satisfied with G3 google edition with android L…. let me dream 😀

      • balcobomber25
        October 16, 2014

        I am not saying the specs aren’t great but in the US where the Nexus sells the most there doesn’t appear to be that big of a market for a 6 inch phone. Where there is a great demand is in Asia where the Nexus line usually sells for 20-50% more than what it does in the US depending on the country. Here in Thailand (where they love big screens) the Nexus 5 new will cost around $565, at that markup the Nexus 6 will cost over $1000 here.

        Most people will never be able to tell the difference between an 801 and 805. As for the camera I owned both a Nexus 4 and 5 and the camera was absolutely horrible. Until someone tests it out I don’t trust their marketing of an “improved” camera. Even the Moto camera’s have had issues. The Nubia Z7 comes from China has a 2k Display and 3 GB of RAM and is cheaper than the Nexus 6.

        • Faux-News
          October 16, 2014

          The 6inch dilemma is looking over the fact that motorola already has the 5.2 inch Moto x. To make Nexus 6 also a 5inch would simply kill the moto x.

          • balcobomber25
            October 17, 2014

            By that logic the original Nexus 5 should have killed the original Moto X when it was released a few months later, both were similarly speced and around the same size. The market is more than big enough for the Nexus 6 to have been a 5-5.5 inch phone.

            Just like the LG devices still sold when the Nexus phones came out with pretty much the same exact specs and at a lower cost.

      • pedram
        October 23, 2014

        why iuni is sh1t??

        all reviewes here and everywhere liked the unit in total

  6. Evilone
    October 15, 2014

    big dissapointment on the price!… better go for Mi4 or MX4 Pro

  7. Abdul Rehman Sorathia
    October 15, 2014

    no fingerprint scanner ??? seriously ???
    instead I would buy an IPhone 5s 32gb ‘sim-free’ and saved $50 more
    IPhone is still overpriced but compared to nexus 6, it still has better looks and also some better specs.

  8. Dean Plush
    October 16, 2014

    These guys at google have been smoking something very strong! hahah! All phone manufacturers know that when you bump up the size that much, you’re pretty much in the no go zone, so you should step down price a bit to create a balance. Even for a guy like me who’s madly in love with very huge phones, when i saw that price i just abandonned the thought of buying it! Mark my words, this phone will NOT do well in the market!

  9. Freeje
    October 16, 2014

    Like the size but not the price.

  10. RoboTrigger
    October 16, 2014

    Nexus phones are fine and everything, but I’m more interested in when we’ll see Chinese manufacturers start to adopt Android 5.0. This stuff is way out of any normal price range; I’m not paying $650 for a phone that’s gonna be antiquated by the end of the next year.

    I’m using a Jiayu G4A which is still on 4.2 and I’m itching for an upgrade, but I don’t really want to go for anything that doesn’t have the current supported OS on it.

  11. billybloggs
    October 17, 2014

    Too big end of

  12. Josef
    October 17, 2014

    Considering that the Nexus 6 is likely to be sold for at least $750 in Europe, even more in countries without Play store, I can happily go back to deciding between the MX4, Mi4 and Xshot. Respect to Google for a bold move, but I think the pricing defeats the ideals of powerful yet affordable Nexus phones.

    Suddenly, the big brand current flagships like Z3 or iPhone 6 Plus don’t seem that pricey for what you get… Let’s hope for more price wars so that we can get incredible gadgets for great prices!

  13. Stalin
    October 17, 2014

    shame on nexus 6 ! very very expensive very big screen its a shame ill not buy it !!!