Oneplus apologies for pre-order issues, announce details of 2nd round

oneplus preorder

OnePlus began it’s preorder system yesterday with a one hour window where fans experienced log in errors and unfinished pre-orders! So what went wrong?

Just as the OnePlus servers went offline during the launch event of the OnePlus One earlier this year, yesterday to the official site went under heavy load but this time it meant preorder opportunities were lost and more disappointed fans.

OnePlus have officially apologised for the issues customers and fans had and said that they have been beefing up their backend to improve the user experience for the second round of pre-orders:

In the lead up to opening our pre-order window, we more than doubled our server capacity to handle the expected traffic. However the amount of people signing in to submit pre-orders caused them to hang at certain points in the process, leaving many users unable to log in.
As more people signed on, the backlog of connections piled up and created a bad experience for many visitors trying to access the site. This left far too many users frustrated, disappointed and order-less. We have spent the past 24 hours identifying the weak points that led to this and mapping out a strategy to address them.

The next pre-order will begin on 17th November at 15:00 GMT. Although OnePlus haven’t specified how long fans will have to take part in the order it is likely just one hour will be allowed as it was yesterday.

Did you take part in the OnePlus Preorder? Did you manage to get your order completed?

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[ OnePlus via AndroidAuthority ]
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  1. October 28, 2014

    Wow… I have to admit that I was really interested in OnePlus once they started the campaign. I was really active in their forums, followed the business strategies. But now… It’s been so long and they still can’t cope with their issues properly!!! Technically, the device is not even released for sale officially expect some people with invites. Another thing is that for some reason OnePlus had enough supplies to “feed” the resellers (it may have been more profitable as they probably paid extra). Lastly, OnePlus delivered in one way – they build a best device for a low price, but they didn’t deliver what they had been teasing – a true no-compromise flagship. It was the reason why I passed the invites I received a few times.

    • pedro
      October 29, 2014

      here in Philippines no need all of this gimmicks, lazada online shopping have them no hassle

  2. Freeje
    October 28, 2014

    They should change their name to OneMinus.

  3. helpzie
    October 28, 2014

    How much phones did they sell? Anyone?

    It is send from an eu warehouse right?

  4. Frank Wu
    October 29, 2014

    This is unacceptable from a company touted for competitive pricing and premium phone production buy very poor in communication and execution!!

  5. balcobomber25
    October 29, 2014

    I predicted this months ago when they first announced this new order system. It’s the same as the invite system just with a different name and gimmick. They don’t want to actually let people buy the phone at retail, they lose money that way. They want to force people to buy it from the re-sale market where the phone can cost upwards of $300 more. Everyone makes more money this way and OPO can still brag about having a flagship phone for a mid range price. They will continue to offer very limited amounts of phones be it from invites or “pre-orders”. Every time they have a pre-order it will be some major fiasco as to why only 100 people could actually order the phone.

  6. Johan Whalley
    October 29, 2014

    OPO is what you would call a Religious Experience, a Religion being the Knowledge which is unattainable, otherwise expressed as blind-blinded Acceptance/Worship or Rejection/Saviourship, Religion & Religiosity [R&R] being The Mesmeric Tentacle of The Bookie, The Bookie being the One who profits off/from Disagreement.

    As in all things promissory, for the unquestioning worship-saviourship, one gets the invitation to The Final Photoshoot with the chappe who has a White Beard and lives Up Thar. Afterall, when He is going to descend with Virgins from Paradise on-tow for all the good uns who’d have been white, blond, blue-eyed, 3-legged, tall, dark [and blond?], handsome and a dedicated secret agent of some supadupa Secret Agency tasked with Saving Humanity, being a good doormat or the facilitation thereof is “well worth it”. Even if it was Agent 101 saying so. Yes, and he’s soo cute too!!

    Those who comms with Da Toothfairy B4 Beddybyes ought to realise, asap, that what is wrong with established Infinitisers the likes of Sammo Tri-Star, Apflings, Googly-Goo and budding aspirants like this OPOnent creature is not What They Sell but How They Sell. By elevating some feature as being of-divinity, objects that are merely of service then become one’s master. That of R&R. As said, to be mesmerised, you need your Eyes Widely Shuttered or else it won’t work.

    When Freedom merely liberates Wantoness, that state is not Freedom but Abandonment, there being no such a thing as Freedom when it is “Given” [because anything Given is retrievable], Freedom being the state of Maturity, unlike some prisoner who had been long denied his procreativity and then going rampant after he had been “freed”. But not when his misbehaviour is shackling him, of course.

    What worshippers/promoters of “How They Sell” are doing is to widen the net for R&R to snare those who are potentially naive, ignorant or abandoned. What a paedophile does to his doll inside his abode is his own buiness but when such a creature has the means to “legalise” Paedophilia by promoting Paedophilia as liberating the “hidden desires for older men” by 8 year olds and below is everybody’s business. Especially those whose Progeny are 8 years old and below. Witness and learn how the future will pan out as Wickedness is able to does as It pleases via the “Human Rights” of the overly/conspiratorial-underly/ignorant – in broad daylight. And it will happen, like it, believe it, realise it, or not.

    Apologising via some newsing service? How about changing “The Business Model” such that the custom is not channelled via R&R which dispenses justice in the manner of a saviour trampling its worshippers. To promote a phone as if it is the gift of divinity has only ONE aim and that is to mug the patsy whilst he’s hypnotised. That’s the goody part but when the apology in practice merely facilitates a more profitable means of mugging, that then is Guilt, Guilt being the means to repeat via Anger in addition to being the licencing of the guilt. The reality then is that when self is dual natured, Guilt is merely Anger suppressed with Anger being Guilt expressed.

    Chinese culture, like Indian culture, empowers its adherent the means to limiting Wild & Wantoness which Westernites lack due to them lacking 2 vital genes. Expecially those Westernites called Elvis Wong and Fifi Chen with the likes of Ignatius Chan and Sherman Lee leading the march towards heaven. This longwinded comment might seemed like some headless rant but it is for those who would welcome an alternative view of the R&R involved. Especially when How They Sell is in progress.