Get your mouse fingers ready as the 2nd round of OnePlus One pre-orders are kicking off on 17th November!
If you still haven’t managed to buy the OnePlus One then your next chance to get one through official channels will be Monday 17th November when the 2nd round of preorders kick off.
In the last round of pre-orders the official OnePlus site suffered as a result of so many fans attempting to order the phone. This lead to a poor user experiences and a few missed chances. Hopefully the OnePlus servers have been beefed up enough to handle the extra traffic next weeks pre-order is bound to bring.
Remember officially the OnePlus One is only available in certain launch areas, if you happen to be in a country that is not covered you will have to find alternative methods of getting hold of the popular flagship.
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I believe the headline meant to read ‘OnePlus One preorder BEGINS 17th November’…
Let’s see how long thing one actually lasts and if there are more cough, cough “website problems”.