Cyanogen say they will be supporting updates on global devices in India

cyanogenmod find7

After worrying many fans in India, Cyanogen have come out to say that Indian customers of the global OPO will get CM updates, but what exactly does this mean.

At the start of this week there was some concern over a recent deal between Cyanogen and Micromax which would mean only Micromax phones would get CM support in the country. This came as a surprising blow to OnePlus who seemed to not have any idea of the deal, especially when they were getting ready for the OPO launch on the 2nd December.

It’s been a few days since all this hit the news, and now Cyanogen have finally spoken out to try and clear things up. In an announcement the custom ROM makers say that they will still support OTA updates on all global version of the OPO including those in India:

We are proud of the work we did on the OnePlus One. Through our collaboration with OnePlus, we demonstrated the power of strong hardware and software tuned for exceptional performance. To clarify misinformation out there, the OnePlus One will get OTA firmware updates for all global devices, including global devices for our users in India. Rather than have misinformation continue to circulate out there, we felt it important to bring this matter to rest.

That puts an end to that right? Well not really as Indian fans are still unsure if their phones will in fact be supported or not. The announcement says “gloabl devices for users in India” and is causing confusion, does this mean phones imported into India from other markets or those available via Amazon in India?

There are also other questions that need answering. If the updates are happening then why did Cyanogen take so long to make an official statement? Why were OnePlus as confused as fans? and just how “Exclusive” is the Micromax deal?

What do you make of the situation? Are you worried about CM, or are you looking forward to OnePlus’s own ROM?

[ Cyanogen ]
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1 Comment

  1. manohar basavaraju
    December 5, 2014

    Even if they say no, people know how and where to get it working… it is no big deal for us.