The Yu Yureka is advertised as a phone that loves to be tinkered with; in fact, as many of you might know, it comes with the erstwhile community ROM known as CyanogenMod. The OnePlus One may be the most popular CyanogenMod on the planet, but the Yureka is most certainly the cheapest.
Team Win (the folks behind the awesome TWRP custom recovery) today made available an official build of the ROM for the Yureka, thus making it even more flashaholic-friendly, if not just dev-friendly. The recovery allows users of the device to flash third party ROMs and other mods via flashable zips.
To get the recovery installed on your phone, all you have to do is download and then fire up the official TWRP App which is available on the Play Store, and you’ll know where to go from that.
The Yureka is an interesting prospect at just 9,000 INR or US$146. It comes with a 64-bit Snapdragon 615 SoC, has 2GB of RAM, and as mentioned before, runs CyanogenMod software right out of the box. Is official support from TWRP a sign of things to come? I’d like to believe so, certainly.