Meizu fans wanting to sweeten up their smartphones will be happy to see that development of Flyme 5.0 based on Android 5.0 Lollipop is well underway.
Rumours that Meizu are working on a new build of Flyme had been flying around since last year. Details of the new Flyme version were thin on the ground but what we did know is that it would be based on Android 5.0 Lollipop.
A newly leaked screenshot taken from an unknown Meizu device confirms that Flyme 5.0 is on the way and now in testing. The screenshot shows the phone information screen where the Flyme version and Android version (in this case Android 5.0.1) are clearly seen.
At this point we have to wonder which Meizu devices will receive the Android Lollipop update first? Lollipop brings the most to 64bit processors so the M1 note, m1 and Meizu MX4 Pro seem likely candidates, but what about the poor old MX4 which hardly receives much in the way of development attention? We also worry about the current state of Flyme versions for each Meizu model. Each phone now is running a different version of Flyme 4.0 rather than being updated at the same pace, it’s getting quite confusing even for us to follow! Still it is great to see updates rolling out and we look forward to what improvements the new ROM brings to the phones.
[ Meizu News ]
5.0.1 hope they will quickly move to 5.1: the previous versions suffer from memory leaks corrected with the last release.
Recent reports claim that 5.1 suffers from memory leaks too. Google fucked up again.
Let’s hope that is the reason they don’t bother with a new international firmware for MX4…. let’s see what will happen.
BTW Andi, sorry for my probably silly question but isn’t Exynos 5430 32-bit? The screenshot imei is from a MX4 pro. If it’s 32-bit I see no reason why MX4 shouldn’t get it either and as soon as the rest.
I also think the finger print tab in settings means its the mx4 pro in the screen shot.
MX4 has also screenshot