Elephone have managed to keep themselves in the headlines everyday this week, and here they are again with a new announcement for their upcoming flagship devices with 2K panels.
We have discovered that Elephone are working on two unnamed flagship phones with very high-end specifications. Current known as Version A and Version B, the two devices are set for launch in May and June.
Version A has a Mediatek MT6795 chipset, 2K display, 20 mega-pixel camera and Android 5.0 Lollipop, while Version B has a quad-core Intel processor, 2K display, 20 mega-pixel camera but offers the choise of either Windows 10 or Android 5.0 Lollipop OS.
In previous reports both phones also have fingerprint scanners, and 3GB RAM, however Elephone have confirmed that the RAM details are out of date and the devices will now both ship with 4GB RAM as standard!
Other details for both phone include 32GB internal memory, a battery larger than 3800mAh and FDD LTE support.
[ Elephone ]
I guess if you buy the B version you can flash roms from android to windows or from windows to android ?. The specs are the same so…
BTW is this not the P8000 unit ?
That means it will be more expensive. I really doubt 4GB RAM can be usable if you don’t run useless applications on background..
I paid 350โฌ for the 4/32@2.3Ghz Maybe will come cheaper when it will be available at all shops
It’s usable if you run multiple bloated messengers apps like my parents do. They’re confused why their tablet/phones are slow and I can’t exactly tell them to stop using those shitty messengers to chat with their families nor will I always be there to straighten it everytime.
This problem is more common than you actually think, there’s no such things as “enough ram”.
Elephone is doing everything possible to keep their name in the news. Tomorrow they will come out with a new correction saying 3GB is standard but there will be 4GB “pro” models.
That is seriously a realistic situation :p
I love that Elephone is evolving from cheap budget phones but with all this news I am starting to get sick of them.
No, tomorrow they will announce that it offers not just Android and Windows but also Ubuntu, making it the first triple-boot device.
Just saw a youtube vid on the Zenfone 2 4gb which can keep several heavy games like GTA and Realracing running in the background.
This is not about specs being useful or not it’s about marketing
The Intel chip that the Elephone uses will be different than the one the Zenfone 2 uses. The Z3580 that is used in the Zenphone 2 can only support up to 13mp cameras. Most likely the Elephone model will be using the new X7 Cherry Trail processors which really haven’t been tested much other than in the Surface 3.
The intel X7 is for Tablet not smartphone, however there could be an high-end X7 SoC version for smartphone comming up that gives dobbel up performance compared to Z3580, we have to see later what intel has in their SoC bag
The X7-8700 is specifically for Tablets but the Cherry Trail line of SoC was engineered to work in multiple platforms. Right now the only one designed for phones is the X3 series but it is a budget SoC at best. An X5 and X7 designed for phones is expected in the future.
I agree , and i think Elephone already knows which high-end phone SoC is comming from intel – but they will not tell until intel announce it.!!
Not just because of the 13MP limitation. Don’t forget the PPI-Limitation of the display, too. ๐
That’s what I have order the 4/32@2.3Ghz… it’s in the way now. ๐
I’d like to see some images of the screen on, rather than renders. I like slim bezels, not necessarily bezel-less, but the P7000 seems to have ugly thick black borders on the sides and worse on the bottom.
Yeah, I’m althoug waiting for infos about Elephones Voweny dimensions before I dicide to order the huge P7000 or not. ๐
You shut up and do not talk about Iran, even the way you pronounce my country name makes me puke … yes we do so what ? … don’t you ? baby pet of the usa … killing innocent children in the name of peace ? and you talk about Iran ? and all these dear audience keep silent ? what a double standard world we live in … It is our mere right to defend ourselves against any and all usurpers like Israel and their allied … zip it or I will zip it for you …. and I am a great great fan of Elephone products and already bought many of their products and they are perfect for me …
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Peace, bodys! We are here because we have the same interests. So, let’s be friends!
Bro, I am friend to the whole world …even I have Iranian Jewish friends but I cannot stand political insults to my nation from an ignorant Zionist
Bro, well said, I am always silent … here is not a place for political insults … but if he does … I cannot keep silent … you are absolutely right … let’s share our common joy and interest
Stupid discussion.
pdayahoo – I’m an Israeli. Why the F would you bring it up politics here? You’re an ass and a troll. Also, work on your English, it’s embarrassing.
voshmme – you could have just let it go, be mature about it, didn’t have to feed the troll. What did you do? You spread bunch of lies about Israel making you look as stupid as pdayahoo with just better English. Congrads. You country supports terrorists around the world, that is not an opinion, that is a fact. Deal with it. And for gods sake, do not protect Hamas…just don’t. It’s just pathetic and makes you seem uneducated.
Anyway, as some of you stated before, we’re all here for gadgets! Let’s enjoy that.
from your point of view any person defending his mere rights is called stupid … be it so …
Will you all just shut up about it! If you want to talk politics, religion and non phone based crap… do it somewhere else! The whole my country is best, my god is truest my people are the true people crap is just bollocks. Choose to love everyone, choose to make your own beliefs in life… don’t hold on to the hatred of your deceased or you will curse all generations with the same hatred and misery that you now have. Peace light and love… and China phones that’s the future! Ok now both say sorry and get back to this bloody phone
Guys this isn’t the time or the place.
You are right Shanos …this is not the place … I shut up and I beg your pardon sincerely
Are you jealous of my country . I am proud to be Israeli and lucky not to be poor and oppressed Iranian
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who says so … what do you have in your country … ? body of dead children or innocent women and civilians … Jealous of your country … look at you … if Muslims piss on your country it will sink in toilet … then you say we are jealous of a big toilet ?
You call us poor … ok … look at your GPD and look at ours see who is poor … I think you are jealous of our country and I am a proud Iranian … on the day of revenge I shall find you and I will tell you just one word that you are ignorant … that is all …
Iran is almost 10x the population of Israel, yet their gdp is 3/4ths of yours. And that’s a country that’s perpetually under threat from the Muslim world. How is your marginally higher gdp impressive again?
The reason is so obvious … they are a spoiled pet of Uncle Sam , getting financial aids from them … so very simple …
who in the hell can oppress us … when we had flourished in civilization you were grazing in the mountains … wandering for your immediate needs …
I’ll buy it if it is under 300$ ๐
Ubuntu os… ubuntu os….
Hahaha, I can feel you! Its been long time since summer 2013 when Canonical announced the Ubuntu Edge (I was one of the first 5,000 to pledge)… The good thing (think positive!) is that they might/should/will launch a REAL KICKASS Ubuntu phone in 2016: 64 bits, probably MediaTek (if Meizu keeps partnering with Canonical) last CPU beast, 4-8 GB RAM and more to be unveiled when the time is met.
Yes XD but I mean, I only want a good gnu/linux os and most important of all, affordable, I cannot pay 300$…. I keep waiting.
Well, then you can wait for bq and other phone makers to launch medium priced devices, they’d probably do it when more stable versions arrive. And the apps, sooner or later developers will port Android ones to Ubuntu (this is a wild guess), and HTML5 apps will also be more and more usable with higher speed networks (in the next 5-7 years this might be specially true, with 5G).
I hate the name Elephone and the sign. Chinese phones suffers in the section of names. Atherwise seems to be a good phone.
it’s ELEPHONE VOWNEY 2K Screen with 4GB RAM, 1949deal.com has released it, very impressive. http://goo.gl/Yprgzh