Cyangoen have removed a fix created to solve OnePlus One touch screen issues have complaints of serious battery drain.
Not everyone with a OnePlus has experienced the rather annoying touch screen issues but those of us not so fortunate have had serious ghost touch issues from day one and have been waiting for a fix for months!
In a recent nightly build of CM12 the fix for the touchscreen, created by Synaptics, was applied to the OnePlus One to great success but with one major drawback, serious battery drain! While the few OPO owners who tried the build said that it completely fixed ghost touches on their phones, they also complained of major battery drain issues when not in use.
In response to the issue Cyanogen have removed the fix and are working with Synaptics to correctly solve the issue. Anyone currently experiencing battery drain after installing a nightly of CM12 has been told to downgrade.
[ Source 1, Source 2 ]
Ouch! Even knowing that this is just a nightly build fixture, it must be a big turn down for any OPO owner suffering from these screen issues.