Modders and hackers and those on the lookout for a decent phone that doesn’t cost too much went into a frenzy after OnePlus posted the ‘Time to change’ teaser a few days back. The teaser talked about a new announcement which would come from the company on June 1st, and the above mentioned sets of people naturally thought it would be the launch of the next OnePlus phone.
It turns out however, that June 1 isn’t when the OnePlus Two will see light of day. And this bit is as authentic as it can be — it comes from the OnePlus co-founder. So, if it isn’t going to be the OnePlus Two on June 1st, what could it be? Some feel it could be a US$50 price cut for the phone, which is already pretty good value despite its age in the market. Pei confirmed it wouldn’t be a new device.
While June 1st won’t see the launch of the OnePlus Two, Pei confirmed that the phone would launch in Q3 2015… which means that OnePlus Two should be available by September at max.
OnePlus has turned out to be a company to watch out for. Their marketing strategies might not be to everyone’s taste, but the products the company has launched so far have almost all been very impressive.
All aboard the hype train, once again…
Well there are better phones out there. This phone has been old news almost by the time it was released.
not at day it was released, but until we could buy (if didn’t get invite at time) it it was.
The Xiaomi Mi4 was released about the same time and IMO had better specs for about the same money. So yeah, it was not sth groundbreaking even for its time, just another chinese phone.
They could create hype though, I can give them that…
Erm, no… take a long hard look at what Mi4 you could get back then for similar money…
For starters. it was more expensive for just the 16gb version!
The OPO 16GB version was released at the price of $299, while the equivalent Mi4 was 2000 yuan ($320), like I wrote in my initial post not much of a difference. But for that extra bucks ($20) one would get better cameras, better screen, same battery (3080 Mah) but at a much smaller package, replace-able back, infrared, quick-charging, better Screen to Body ratio.
The only thing that OPO was better at was the aforementioned 20 bucks less and the presence of NFC. You were saying?
I was in a position to pick between MI4 and OPO and it took me 2 months before deciding and I ended up for the MI4 mostly because I wasn’t for the 5.5″ screen.
That said, I want to list few pros for the OPO.
Back in time MI4 had no LTE, OPO had. 299$ is international price so if you were in a supported country and lucky to get an invite then you just had to add shipping cost. MI4 you had to add ~50$ for reseller hoping you didn’t have to pay custom fees.
So basically the MI4 from reseller used to cost as much as 64Gb version of OPO.
They are 2 comparable devices with their pros and cons and it’s really up to personal taste
And if you compare the price of the OnePlus from a reseller like you did with Xiaomi The OPO was way more expensive. Even at present, you have to pay $30+ more for OPO
That’s why I wrote “if you were in a supported country”.
And that was actually my point.
Sell that phone, at that price, locally, no custom fees or VAT, have real warranty, no risk of scam,is the best advantage one can get.
The price was the last of my worries. That worth for Xiaomi and their supported countries as well.
If you are in India, Malaysia etc.. Going for Xiaomi is a huge yes and not just because you save 30-40$ of reseller intermediation but because you get all those benefits I listed above.
Saying that MI4 is better than OPO is ridiculous. There is no single aspect where MI4 is better. I own both of them and I’ve gave MI4 to wife as it’s inferior.
In specs it clearly is. In software, I guess that’s acquired taste, some people like the stock look, others prefer the miui ROMs.
So you gave your wife the inferior product? You must love her very much.
Best guess for june 1st ,they shift to OxygenOS and drop the price.
Ye, I’ve got a feeling it’s just going to be the ‘official’ launch of OxygenOS…
wonder how much royalty fee they were paying to cyanaogen per phone…with the parts getting cheaper and no longer paying cyanogen tax, i’d say they could drop the price 50 and still do OK. I won’t buy it though
some people have got the point, it clear state that, oneplus will start use their own rom (oxygen and hydrogen), because in pict looks like want to say i will remove cyanogen look and will change into mine rom
€50 off is a pretty good deal.