Chinese phone maker Siswoo have teamed up with Spain’s Jazztel to offer phones direct to the custom in high street stores across Spain.
Siswoo’s stratergy is almost the opposite of what other Chinese phone makers do, and it could be what gives them a chance to dominate in the longterm. While Siswoo don’t get the same sort of attention as Elephone and other brands, they have been working on building a dealer network, and tech enters in Europe. This is what other brands are lacking and is arguably more important to the end user than a new smartphone launch every few weeks.
Siswoo had already opened a customer service center in Spain with plans to open a 2nd in Germany, and now they have teamed up with Jazztel to sell phones through Jazztel stores across Spain.
Currently 3 models are available on sale the Siswoo i7 Cooper for 179 Euros, R8 Monster at 339 Euros and the latest C50 Longbow at only 145 Euros. Siswoo also plan to release a range of A series phones all costing below $100 and a dual screen phone named the R9 Darkmoon.
[ Siswoo ]
Since the Longbow C50A seems to have been designed specifically to get 4G through ATT and T-Mobile in the U.S., at least according to mayiandjay on Youtube, I wonder if Siswoo has something planned for the U.S. Maybe a direct buy website or Amazon store.