Jiayu is alive! Sets a countdown to launch a OTA Update app and teases CM12 for their devices.

When we stop to think about the Chinese companies that was responsible to give the today’s expression of the Chinese Market, names like Xiaomi, Meizu and Huawei sounds quite obvious. But in fact is impossible to give all the credits only for those giant companies, more when the Chinese market goes far beyond, with various other companies and startups that most of us know well, And one of them is Jiayu.

Jiayu is a company that’s was been around for some time in the market, having a large community of users, as well as developers and fans, the latter group is something common in the bigger ones, but rare when comes to the smaller, and this show as Jiayu is considered special among others, could be due to some high quality devices launched trough the years as well their ability to learn from mistake, despite some others companies. (That’s for you Zopo.)

Last month, a rumor popped trough the community, news that talked about a supposed bankruptcy of Jiayu. This reports of course frightened fans of the brand, as well the consumers that have acquired the Jiayu S3, one of the handsets launched this year by the company and also one of their biggest hits to date. Indeed the rumors, showed in fact that the company bordered on bankruptcy, the causes you can imagine, but we can already say that China is a very difficult market to compete, and currently saturated. Keeping a slow launch and selling profile is something dangerous, most when comes to small companies that with wrong marketing choices can simply disappear.

However, the company managed to work around the problem thanks to the support of new investors, this partnership promised to bring a New Jiayu, something that is worth nothing to mention is that the same investors that now are running the company were already long-standing partners of Jiayu, then we can expect only good changes for to the company while they will continue to be the Jiayu that we already know.

The last days were marked by a company hiatus, generating many questions among users, according to the company a long restructuring is being done, we can highlight the change of the company’s HQ in the next days as well the move of workers to other factories. But in the meantime the company is keen to show that it is more alive than ever, and for that the German portion of Jiayu, have now launched a countdown through their page that will end in the coming monday August 10, according to them when the counter reaches zero a company app will be available through the Google Play Store.

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This will give to the users the ability to update their phones directly from the app, a way that is more user-friendly in counterpart to every previously flashing process. In addition the company also points out that is working to update some of their handsets to CyanogenMod 12.1, they also states that already have bugfree versions for the Jiayu G4S and G5S, both launched in the last year, and the Custom Rom may arrive soon for other devices as the S2, S3, G6 and F2. We can already check some images that proves the phones running the OS. That are great news, and goes beyond that most of users have expected.

These latest news show that we still have a lot to expect from the company, and we all hope that every change is for the better, especially for us consumers. What you think about it? Is the New Jiayu something that worths to keep an eye? Don’t forget to leave your opinion about it, as well your prospects and requests for the future of the company. For now it’s everything, but any new details we will report.

[ Jiayu.de]


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  1. Lars
    August 14, 2015

    Wow this is promising news. Lately I was reading a lot of stories about adware installed in the official ROM. Not sure if it’s Jiayu who’s at fault or the resellers messing with the ROM but people were getting full screen ads and apps were being installed in the background. Even after switching off ‘unknown sources’ it switched itself on again after a while, that is something to be worried about imo.

    If they release CM12.1 for the S3 I might have to get it after all.

    • Zoz
      August 14, 2015

      Not resellers: the adware was in at least two different releases of the official international ROM. Even if they subbed out the build of that to a 3rd party, its down to them: everyone sub’s, and everyone has to check what their subs do. And they never even investigated/released a statement on it – which implies they don’t consider it an issue, which is probably the main concern. They are a company that does good work let down by poor communication. What I could do for them if they let me!

      • Luka
        August 15, 2015

        Quite true. I just sent them and email (to ejiayu.com) pointing to those issues. I doubt they’ll listen to one person but this is getting out of hand. Ejiayu.com is the only official manufacturer’s website and should be the only official source of software. Yet we have distributors making custom ROMs, some of which are better than official, yet they are all labeled as “official”. Jiayu should be proactive and clean up the mess. I welcome the distributors to be the end point support, and have ROM downloads on their websites or in apps, but it should be clear what came unmodified from manufacturer and what they’ve modified or developed as distributors, and what they’ve just picked up from needrom and public forums. And ofcourse Jiayu shouldn’t be injecting malware or spyware in their original ROMs.:-/
        I’m still using ROM I’ve installed from Polish distributor’s websitr about a year ago, a slightly modified (cleaned) official JellyBean, with no malware and no Chinese apps. Nice and clean. But it’s still not the official ROM. And it’s still JellyBean because all KitKat Roms were either official but buggy, or better but 3rs party. And now Lollipop/CM from another 3rd party – and they want 30€ for it? And what guarantees that it won’t be half baked ROM picked up from some Russian forum? Nothing… And luckily Play Store doesn’t even allow me to download it on my G4S despite downloading just fine on a Samsung (?!). I’ve seen the app “quality” …Not giving 30€ or even 3€ for a cat in the bag (and a shabby bag it is).

        • Tiendo
          August 17, 2015

          I don’t really get what you are ranting about? Jiayu still releases updates, they still give you support and they still will be giving support for free.
          The stuff you are obviously whining about is CYANOGENMOD.
          I don’t get how you even dare to say such things as copying or pirating their efforts. if you don’t want it, just don’t buy it. It’s a custom rom from a distributor which they are not selling itself, they are asking for a fraction of their costs they have for providing this ADDITIONAL CUSTOM ROM, which costs servers, manpower, hardware, electricity….
          You bought a phone from china, then get your support from china! I cannot imagine someone buying something from china and really expecting 100% free and accurate support from germany, when even the manufacturer himself is not distributing in these countries and the distributor is working on his own costs.
          your argumentation is just plain childish, disrespectful and out of context. Dont buy from china, if you cannot cope with the obvious things connected with it.

          • Sebastian
            August 17, 2015

            Thanks Bro.;-)

          • Luka
            August 17, 2015

            Not to rain on your parade but:
            a) if they sell the update, they should sell it under their company name, not under “Jiayu” brand
            b) I’ve never EVER seen anyone charge for a software update, unless they take the time to personally install it on my device by their own two hands
            c) they already overpromissed, and underdelivered – their app is online but does nothing, now they replied to me that app will be online on 22nd ?! so why is it in store than? and they obviously don’t know when it’s actually going to be released and in what state as they’ve replied to another person that they are waiting for their software dev to get back from vacation so he can tell them when it’s gonna be done, real serious support
            d) Jiayu isn’t actually releasing updates anymore, last one is way too old and way too buggy, so I’m still officially stuck on JellBean, and even that was ROM cleaned and re-published by another of their distributors (for free should I say)
            e) I couldn’t care less about CM, I’d like an official AOSP Lollipop if I could choose, or anything newer than JellyBean but with working features and not stuff like camera with wrong resolutions, and so on
            f) you’ve blown the development cost way out of proportion, script kiddies do these things on their free time, for no money (or “buy me a beer” donations), so unless they show for a perfectly polished ROM they’re overpriced, and are indeed charging for something that’s 99% someone else’s product and coding (Google, CM, community), and want to charge the 1/4 of a new phone for that… and judging by their app it’s already obvious I don’t actually want on my phone as it will probably be full of bugs.
            e) since you’re so good with all of that, and clearly love it and support it, please, buy that 30$ ROM and put it on the pedestal, you sound like one of those Apple lovers, just you’ve got a weird love for German distributors of Chinese phones.. (?!) Hope you have fun with it when they charge next update as well, another 30$ perhaps just to fix some bugs…

            • Sebastian
              August 18, 2015

              a-Jiayu is our Brand….so why we should not use our company name to release it? Here you can check our trademark entry: http://jiayu.de/kundenservice/zertifikate.html

              b- we also offer an update service by hand and charge it with 40€ incl shipping, if you update onine you save 10€. also we are the only one in china phone bzi who offers an ota updater until now. How you can make a judgement if you did not use the app.

              c-we released it to early without testing it properly. that was a mistake. it is online because we still work on it to make it perfect. so we plan to release on 22.

              d-jiayu will release new updates and better software support after their restructuring is done. they have Vanzo with in the boat now.

              e- i hope your wish come true…..just belive in it and it will come true:-)

              f-if you work for a beer, and work professional, you are welcome in our team;-)

              g -as we wrote, the charge of 29,90€ is a single charge for all updates in future. do you use our app already or how can you set up a claim that it is buggy?

              Really boy, it is ridiculous like you act here….but thank you very much for the promotion:-)

              p.s. use the time you waste here to work and you will not have any problem to pay 30€ for a professional OTA updater App.:-)

            • Scott Rennie
              August 18, 2015

              Again you cannot charge for CM, it’s under the GPL and therefore you must be free. However services can be charged for. I think Sebastian and these guys at a-Jaiyu are doing a good job of filling the hole left by the manufacturer it seems both useful and a decent business move. People deserve to be paid for there work, and it is not trivial making a rom it takes time and they deserve to be reimbursed for it, and beyond cost in my opinion. I agree it looks a bit bad for Jiayu, but thats there own fault. Though Sebastian perhaps you could you confirm that the CM version will still be available for download outside of the OTA system, from the CM website for example?

      • Luka
        August 15, 2015

        Quite true. I just sent them and email (to ejiayu.com) pointing to those issues. I doubt they’ll listen to one person but this is getting out of hand. Ejiayu.com is the only official manufacturer’s website and should be the only official source of software. Yet we have distributors making custom ROMs, some of which are better than official, yet they are all labeled as “official”. Jiayu should be proactive and clean up the mess. I welcome the distributors to be the end point support, and have ROM downloads on their websites or in apps, but it should be clear what came unmodified from manufacturer and what they’ve modified or developed as distributors, and what they’ve just picked up from needrom and public forums. And ofcourse Jiayu shouldn’t be injecting malware or spyware in their original ROMs.:-/
        I’m still using ROM I’ve installed from Polish distributor’s websitr about a year ago, a slightly modified (cleaned) official JellyBean, with no malware and no Chinese apps. Nice and clean. But it’s still not the official ROM. And it’s still JellyBean because all KitKat Roms were either official but buggy, or better but 3rs party. And now Lollipop/CM from another 3rd party – and they want 30€ for it? And what guarantees that it won’t be half baked ROM picked up from some Russian forum? Nothing… And luckily Play Store doesn’t even allow me to download it on my G4S despite downloading just fine on a Samsung (?!). I’ve seen the app “quality” …Not giving 30€ or even 3€ for a cat in the bag (and a shabby bag it is).

    • Zoz
      August 14, 2015

      Not resellers: the adware was in at least two different releases of the official international ROM. Even if they subbed out the build of that to a 3rd party, its down to them: everyone sub’s, and everyone has to check what their subs do. And they never even investigated/released a statement on it – which implies they don’t consider it an issue, which is probably the main concern. They are a company that does good work let down by poor communication. What I could do for them if they let me!

  2. Lars
    August 14, 2015

    Wow this is promising news. Lately I was reading a lot of stories about adware installed in the official ROM. Not sure if it’s Jiayu who’s at fault or the resellers messing with the ROM but people were getting full screen ads and apps were being installed in the background. Even after switching off ‘unknown sources’ it switched itself on again after a while, that is something to be worried about imo.

    If they release CM12.1 for the S3 I might have to get it after all.

  3. Sunny
    August 14, 2015

    its not working. Tried downloading the app but it doesnt work.

  4. Sunny
    August 14, 2015

    its not working. Tried downloading the app but it doesnt work.

  5. Burs
    August 14, 2015

    Cut the chatter, give us S4 already! And btw, the app is shite. One label and a button which produces an error. So much about OTA and my aging S2. Soon it’s either you or Bluboo Xtouch, whoever first gets my money. So get your act together before it’s too late.

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      And they ask you 30€ if you’re not German customer

      • Dr. Cornelius
        August 22, 2015

        Luka , thank you for standing up against those ridiculous cheaters … The whole idea of Linux and android is getting commercialized and exploited to the max by jiayu.de ! Linux is free , Android is free , the updates are free and here we go we have to pay for free programs so just wow what Germans won’t come up with 🙂 No one is allowed to charge for Linux , no one is allowed to charge for android accept they sell it on a CD so you basically pay for the CD and nothing else 🙂 Charging for free programs and code modifications that you don’t own the rights to is iillegal and it can not happen and will get them to court and hopefully jailed or business shut down for good 🙂

        • Dr. Cornelius
          August 22, 2015

          By the way I read through the comments, his patches are not working some of the phones got bricked , I am German citizen and I can not recomend his rude methods specially after I read how they speak with customers 🙂 to most customers they go : contact us through the support to one customer they took it even further so it went along those lines : I don’t believe this , contact us through the website 🙂 so rude specially cause in Germany you address everyone in third person and you never ever go like” I ” and than don’t believe that and the please was also nowhere to be seen 🙂 This company is a unofficial cheat and who ever goes for their updates most likely will get their phones bricked and won’t get covered for damages … I would mind them cheaters …anyway avg anti virus is free comes with all the features needed so why go for 0 8 15 solutions ( 0 8 15 is German expression for something like worthless )

        • Sebastian
          August 22, 2015

          Dr. Cornelius, you are funny:-) What kind of Dr. are u? Medic? Shurely no Dr. of Law. Because you dont know what you are talking about. We do not charge any Update. We just charge our OTA Service. Also the sw is released for free already. That one who is able to read, has a clear advantage:-). Do you understand now? SW is out for free and clients pay for OUR OTA SERVICE.

          • Dr. Cornelius
            August 22, 2015

            Sebastiana , you are a cheat and trying to be funny on top of that … What you can do with the code my 6 years old son can do too 🙂 Taking the update modifying it , reselling it and pretending like its all about your update app when its clearly not … Jiayu.es got the update app already out for free long time ago so what you done here is commercially exploiting other peoples work and ideas that came for free and pretending you the big shot when you clearly not 🙂 30 EUR to charge for peace of idea that you stolen around the internet is just ridiculous, hope your business is gona get bust soon , and I also am writing to jiayu a letter later today that you exploiting the customers big time and been rude to criticism as on here but also in comments with your worthless updates that have bricked peoples phones 🙂 I got avg anti virus for free why would anyone need your security mods at all , big shot ?

            • Sebastian
              August 22, 2015

              Cornelia=Luka, the only cheat here is that you are one and the same person and trying to do politics….and…i am funny;-) Also you are not very good informed. Jiayu ES is offering a app where you have to install and update manual via pc. Download SW, connect to PC and so on. OUR Over The Air Update APP is checking your device, and will update your system with a singe klick directly on your phone. You dont need to do as you have to when you use the app from spain. I dont belive that your son is able to programm a OTA App, sorry man….did you try to be funny now? And again Dr. Dr. of philosophy….we did not stole anything and do not charge for free software! We charge our service to get your free update installed online with a single klick on your device. THAT IS THE IDEA. Did you get it now? You are free to inform the manufacturer….i hope you will receive an answer;-) dou you have the right email? i can provide it to you.

      • Sebastian
        August 22, 2015

        Here you got it for free. I`ll send you a beer if you fixed it:-)

        • Luka
          August 29, 2015

          LOL! Sorry for late reply, I was offline for a while 🙂 No need for beer, I’ll take ROM as my reward 😉 But I doubt it that it was only my (re)actions that lead to this… I am glad though. And thanks for the link! 🙂

          EDIT: Read through the docs after google translate, I’m sure there will be fixes for the smaller bugs… all in due time. Thanks again 😉

          • Sebastian
            August 29, 2015

            Than please offer the ROM here after you fixed it;-) so we all will see if you have skills or skills to talk:-)

    • Max
      August 15, 2015

      exactly my thoughts… either the S4 or the xtouch.

    • Robert
      August 23, 2015

      Yes , we need international lte phone with bands 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 17, 20. , big baterry and good design.This would be good for jiayu

  6. Burs
    August 14, 2015

    Cut the chatter, give us S4 already! And btw, the app is shite. One label and a button which produces an error. So much about OTA and my aging S2. Soon it’s either you or Bluboo Xtouch, whoever first gets my money. So get your act together before it’s too late.

  7. Muhammad Yasir
    August 14, 2015

    yeah well they better continue making cheap and fantastic phones !

  8. Muhammad Yasir
    August 14, 2015

    yeah well they better continue making cheap and fantastic phones !

  9. E8hffff
    August 14, 2015

    I would really like Jiayu to compete with Elephone’s Vowney. I loved the Jiayu S3.

  10. E8hffff
    August 14, 2015

    I would really like Jiayu to compete with Elephone’s Vowney. I loved the Jiayu S3.

  11. E8hffff
    August 14, 2015

    “In-app Products $29.59 per item” What the Hell.

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Exactly… That’s distributor (jiayu.de) working against the manufacturer

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Exactly… That’s distributor (jiayu.de) working against the manufacturer

  12. Lars
    August 14, 2015

    Hmm, just noticed this article was written on August 14 yet it mentions August 10 as coming monday??

  13. Lars
    August 14, 2015

    Wow this is promising news. Lately I was reading a lot of stories about adware installed in the official ROM. Not sure if it’s Jiayu who’s at fault or the resellers messing with the ROM but people were getting full screen ads and apps were being installed in the background. Even after switching off ‘unknown sources’ it switched itself on again after a while, that is something to be worried about imo.

    If they release CM12.1 for the S3 I might have to get it after all.

    • Guest
      August 14, 2015

      Not resellers: the adware was in at least two different releases of the official international ROM. Even if they subbed out the build of that to a 3rd party, its down to them: everyone sub’s, and everyone has to check what their subs do. And they never even investigated/released a statement on it – which implies they don’t consider it an issue, which is probably the main concern. They are a company that does good work let down by poor communication. What I could do for them if they let me!

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Quite true. I just sent them and email (to ejiayu.com) pointing to those issues. I doubt they’ll listen to one person but this is getting out of hand. Ejiayu.com is the only official manufacturer’s website and should be the only official source of software. Yet we have distributors making custom ROMs, some of which are better than official, yet they are all labeled as “official”. Jiayu should be proactive and clean up the mess. I welcome the distributors to be the end point support, and have ROM downloads on their websites or in apps, but it should be clear what came unmodified from manufacturer and what they’ve modified or developed as distributors, and what they’ve just picked up from needrom and public forums. And ofcourse Jiayu shouldn’t be injecting malware or spyware in their original ROMs.:-/
      I’m still using ROM I’ve installed from Polish distributor’s websitr about a year ago, a slightly modified (cleaned) official JellyBean, with no malware and no Chinese apps. Nice and clean. But it’s still not the official ROM. And it’s still JellyBean because all KitKat Roms were either official but buggy, or better but 3rs party. And now Lollipop/CM from another 3rd party – and they want 30€ for it? And what guarantees that it won’t be half baked ROM picked up from some Russian forum? Nothing… And luckily Play Store doesn’t even allow me to download it on my G4S despite downloading just fine on a Samsung (?!). I’ve seen the app “quality” …Not giving 30€ or even 3€ for a cat in the bag (and a shabby bag it is).

    • Guest
      August 17, 2015

      I don’t really get what you are ranting about? Jiayu still releases updates, they still give you support and they still will be giving support for free.
      The stuff you are obviously whining about is CYANOGENMOD.
      I don’t get how you even dare to say such things as copying or pirating their efforts. if you don’t want it, just don’t buy it. It’s a custom rom from a distributor which they are not selling itself, they are asking for a fraction of their costs they have for providing this ADDITIONAL CUSTOM ROM, which costs servers, manpower, hardware, electricity….
      You bought a phone from china, then get your support from china! I cannot imagine someone buying something from china and really expecting 100% free and accurate support from germany, when even the manufacturer himself is not distributing in these countries and the distributor is working on his own costs.
      your argumentation is just plain childish, disrespectful and out of context. Dont buy from china, if you cannot cope with the obvious things connected with it.

    • Luka
      August 17, 2015

      Not to rain on your parade but:
      a) if they sell the update, they should sell it under their company name, not under “Jiayu” brand
      b) I’ve never EVER seen anyone charge for a software update, unless they take the time to personally install it on my device by their own two hands
      c) they already overpromissed, and underdelivered – their app is online but does nothing, now they replied to me that app will be online on 22nd ?! so why is it in store than? and they obviously don’t know when it’s actually going to be released and in what state as they’ve replied to another person that they are waiting for their software dev to get back from vacation so he can tell them when it’s gonna be done, real serious support
      d) Jiayu isn’t actually releasing updates anymore, last one is way too old and way too buggy, so I’m still officially stuck on JellBean, and even that was ROM cleaned and re-published by another of their distributors (for free should I say)
      e) I couldn’t care less about CM, I’d like an official AOSP Lollipop if I could choose, or anything newer than JellyBean but with working features and not stuff like camera with wrong resolutions, and so on
      f) you’ve blown the development cost way out of proportion, script kiddies do these things on their free time, for no money (or “buy me a beer” donations), so unless they show for a perfectly polished ROM they’re overpriced, and are indeed charging for something that’s 99% someone else’s product and coding (Google, CM, community), and want to charge the 1/4 of a new phone for that… and judging by their app it’s already obvious I don’t actually want on my phone as it will probably be full of bugs.
      e) since you’re so good with all of that, and clearly love it and support it, please, buy that 30$ ROM and put it on the pedestal, you sound like one of those Apple lovers, just you’ve got a weird love for German distributors of Chinese phones.. (?!) Hope you have fun with it when they charge next update as well, another 30$ perhaps just to fix some bugs…

    • Sebastian
      August 18, 2015

      a-Jiayu is our Brand….so why we should not use our company name to release it? Here you can check our trademark entry: http://jiayu.de/kundenservice/zertifikate.html

      b- we also offer an update service by hand and charge it with 40€ incl shipping, if you update onine you save 10€. also we are the only one in china phone bzi who offers an ota updater until now. How you can make a judgement if you did not use the app.

      c-we released it to early without testing it properly. that was a mistake. it is online because we still work on it to make it perfect. so we plan to release on 22.

      d-jiayu will release new updates and better software support after their restructuring is done. they have Vanzo with in the boat now.

      e- i hope your wish come true…..just belive in it and it will come true:-)

      f-if you work for a beer, and work professional, you are welcome in our team;-)

      g -as we wrote, the charge of 29,90€ is a single charge for all updates in future. do you use our app already or how can you set up a claim that it is buggy?

      Really boy, it is ridiculous like you act here….but thank you very much for the promotion:-)

      p.s. use the time you waste here to work and you will not have any problem to pay 30€ for a professional OTA updater App.:-)

    • Scott Rennie
      August 18, 2015

      Again you cannot charge for CM, it’s under the GPL and therefore you must be free. However services can be charged for. I think Sebastian and these guys at a-Jaiyu are doing a good job of filling the hole left by the manufacturer it seems both useful and a decent business move. People deserve to be paid for there work, and it is not trivial making a rom it takes time and they deserve to be reimbursed for it, and beyond cost in my opinion. I agree it looks a bit bad for Jiayu, but thats there own fault. Though Sebastian perhaps you could you confirm that the CM version will still be available for download outside of the OTA system, from the CM website for example?

  14. Guest
    August 14, 2015

    its not working. Tried downloading the app but it doesnt work.

  15. Aeonia
    August 14, 2015

    It is indeed…This is seriously great news..Cant wait to push my G4S to 12.1

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Only if you are German customer otherwise they want 30€ for the ROM

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Only if you are German customer otherwise they want 30€ for the ROM

      • Aeonia
        August 15, 2015

        Outrageous. Paying for an update?..Luckily, all it will take is a single rom backup from someone and we’ll all be upgraded…

        • Luka
          August 15, 2015

          That’s what I’ll be waiting. Hopefully one of the German customers that will get it free will be smart enough to put it online.

          • Sebastian
            August 18, 2015

            I also hope it for you. so you dont have to wast your time to work and get money to support a good project:-) we are happy if the community is working with our roms in future and we are happy that a lot of people can flash their phones by themselfe but the OTA app is for users wich cant flash by themselfe. and for users wich appreciate to update online without any tools, install processes, and risks.

        • Luka
          August 15, 2015

          That’s what I’ll be waiting. Hopefully one of the German customers that will get it free will be smart enough to put it online.

        • Scott Rennie
          August 17, 2015

          I don’t think they are charging for an update, but rather for a software tool that makes it easier to do so. As I understand CM is under the GPL and thusly you can only sell services. I would expect the update will be available for download and flashing oneself. It would still be worthwile to support the devs on this case though. They are putting serious work in to make up for a poor manufacturer, and are being much more efficient than other distributers, I would have bought from them had I known.

      • Sebastian
        August 16, 2015

        LUKA, dont be so negative in your attitude…..the cup is not half
        emty, it is still half filled. In all your anger you forgot to mention
        that we offered 2 Stagefright Fixes without any charge to all JIAYU
        users worldwide:

        …but you are welcome:-)

        • Luka
          August 17, 2015

          Thank you, that’s so nice 🙂 But I don’t have S3, I’ve got G4S 😛

          Still, patching security holes is the duty to your customers, and yes I agree, actually more of a duty of Jiayu as manufacturers to all of his customers than you as a distributor. But I wonder should I thank each month to Microsoft that they provide me with FREE updates for their OS? Your cup is unfortunately pretty empty in my eyes. Well, I don’t blame you as much as I do blame Jiayu China (the manufacturer) as they are the ones originally responsible, and they should clean up mess such as this one, but since Jiayu.de is their official distributor they should care about the brand as well as you’re living from a brand as much as “they” are. When you pose as “Jiayu” (and not as ComputerShop GmbH or whatever), than you represent the brand and that manufacturer, and I as a customer shouldn’t see any difference between Jiayu this or Jiayu that. If I went for a visit in Germany and my Jiayu broke down, I should be allowed same kind of customer support as if a German’s customer with a problem in China, correct? Moreso, as a company from European Union you should be way more aware of customer’s / consumer’s rights, and altogether as a “western” company shouldn’t act as some 3rd world country’s bazaar. Jiayu.de/.es/.pl/.cc/.whatever should be ONE brand, and they should offer complete support to all customers of Jiayu. Either that, or – simply lose the branding rights. Again, I blame manufacturer and owner of the brand the most. If I was head of the Baoji Jiayuyutong Electronic Co., Ltd. I’d do few simple things: a) would unite these efforts by distributors so there’s only one “official source” for software updates; b) would probably take the licenses and distributor rights from companies like yours unless they comply to the a); c) would listen to the customers a bit more.
          In the end – whenever you represent yourself behind any kind of Jiayu brand – you are Jiayu. I don’t care if you’re white, black, or yellow, what’s your sex, or country of origin. You’re Jiayu. Act like it.

          • Sebastian
            August 18, 2015

            Good ideas boy, send them to JIAYU China. Maybe they hire you as their manager;-)

        • Luka
          August 17, 2015

          Btw, is this your ROM published by some Russian, or is this some Russian publishing your ROM? I wonder…


          But since it’s all GPL and all, do we really care? GPL says that anything derived from GPL is still GPL, and should thus be free for everyone to use. So how come you’re charging for it? Are you forwarding 99% to the other devs that worked on code before you? 😉

          • Sebastian
            August 18, 2015

            It’s kind of our rom, because he used parts of our publicy availble sources.
            We do not charge anything for the code.
            Basically we decided to create this new rom for our customers. We are not forced to release it to everyone.
            Because of people asking to get our software, although they did buy the device somewhere else, we have choosen this way.
            Now it’s up to you, to buy it or not, because we also don’t force anyone to use our products.

  16. Burs
    August 14, 2015

    Cut the chatter, give us S4 already! And btw, the app is shite. One label and a button which produces an error. So much about OTA and my aging S2. Soon it’s either you or Bluboo Xtouch, whoever first gets my money. So get your act together before it’s too late.

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      And they ask you 30€ if you’re not German customer

    • Max
      August 15, 2015

      exactly my thoughts… either the S4 or the xtouch.

    • Sebastian
      August 22, 2015

      Here you got it for free. I`ll send you a beer if you fixed it:-)

    • Guest
      August 23, 2015

      Yes , we need international lte phone with bands 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 17, 20. , big baterry and good design.This would be good for jiayu

    • Luka
      August 29, 2015

      LOL! Sorry for late reply, I was offline for a while 🙂 No need for beer, I’ll take ROM as my reward 😉 But I doubt it that it was only my (re)actions that lead to this… I am glad though. And thanks for the link! 🙂

      EDIT: Read through the docs after google translate, I’m sure there will be fixes for the smaller bugs… all in due time. Thanks again 😉

    • Sebastian
      August 29, 2015

      Than please offer the ROM here after you fixed it;-) so we all will see if you have skills or skills to talk:-)

  17. Guest
    August 14, 2015

    yeah well they better continue making cheap and fantastic phones !

  18. Vlada
    August 14, 2015

    I bought a Jiayu G5S but I was quite disappointed with the phone. The compass never worked correctly even after calibration. GPS was unusable in car, it gets lost at speeds above 20 km/h. After a few months the GPS broke down completely. Furthermore there was a smudge on the screen which was growing over time. I sent the phone back for reparation. They let me pay for new screen (which was not damaged by me, it was like that on arrival), didn’t fix the GPS, damaged microUSB connector so I can not connect the phone to computer anymore and can only charge it, if it is switched off. And to top it all, the touch response of the new screen is very bad.

    It is a shame. The phone worked very smooth, the metal body, although it is a clear copy of iPhone, looks very good. Sound was fine, the metal backcover with button is great, camera worked good. There are no 4,5″ phones with decent specifications.

    If Jiayu will release the rumored S4, fix the GPS issues and promise a better service, I might give them one more chance. But I think it won’t happen. I’ll wait another 1 or 2 months for Doogee F3, Zopo Speed 7, Bluboo Xtouch or even consider a Motorola Moto G because of SW support. The phone, which will offer a CM ROM, will get a lot of plus points by me.

    • Marco Lancaster
      August 14, 2015

      Considering phones from Doogee and Zopo you’ll probably be screwed again.

      • Vlada
        August 17, 2015

        I had a Zopo C2 which was a pretty good phone. And with a custom ROM, it worked OK. Now I have a Doogee DG700 which also runs pretty smooth despite of it’s aging HW. But they lied on specifications. The phone is definitely not waterproof, as they stated. Also they omitted a compass, which doesn’t make sense for an outdoor phone. But it was very cheap.

        So I know, what I’m getting and I don’t expect to get the same quality as from Motorola, Samsung, HTC, Sony or LG for half of the price. But it has to be a decent phone.

        Based on my experiences, I won’t get a phone from them before a full and trusted review. And I expect that if anything goes wrong, the customer service will be a disaster. But still I can get the phone for less then half of the price what an equal device from official EU brand would cost.

  19. Dante
    August 14, 2015

    Wow this was really unexpected for me… Still the S3 is shite now that we have the red I note 2

    • Stef
      August 14, 2015

      Anything with 3GB of RAM would be faster than anything with 2GB of RAM (Redmi is only 2GB). It’s the rule of Linux (more Ram = More performance).

      Also MiUI is very bloated compared to CM12.1 …

      • Dante
        August 15, 2015

        Yes i agree with this in linux’s Case and yea MIUi is pretty bloated 🙁

  20. E8hffff
    August 14, 2015

    I would really like Jiayu to compete with Elephone’s Vowney. I loved the Jiayu S3.

  21. E8hffff
    August 14, 2015

    “In-app Products $29.59 per item” What the Hell.

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Exactly… That’s distributor (jiayu.de) working against the manufacturer

  22. Lars
    August 14, 2015

    Hmm, just noticed this article was written on August 14 yet it mentions August 10 as coming monday??

  23. Boni M.
    August 14, 2015

    It is indeed…This is seriously great news..Cant wait to push my G4S to 12.1

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Only if you are German customer otherwise they want 30€ for the ROM

    • Guest
      August 15, 2015

      This comment was deleted.

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      That’s what I’ll be waiting. Hopefully one of the German customers that will get it free will be smart enough to put it online.

    • Sebastian
      August 16, 2015

      LUKA, dont be so negative in your attitude…..the cup is not half
      emty, it is still half filled. In all your anger you forgot to mention
      that we offered 2 Stagefright Fixes without any charge to all JIAYU
      users worldwide:

    • Sebastian
      August 16, 2015

      …but you are welcome:-)

    • Scott Rennie
      August 17, 2015

      I don’t think they are charging for an update, but rather for a software tool that makes it easier to do so. As I understand CM is under the GPL and thusly you can only sell services. I would expect the update will be available for download and flashing oneself. It would still be worthwile to support the devs on this case though. They are putting serious work in to make up for a poor manufacturer, and are being much more efficient than other distributers, I would have bought from them had I known.

    • Luka
      August 17, 2015

      Thank you, that’s so nice 🙂 But I don’t have S3, I’ve got G4S 😛

      Still, patching security holes is the duty to your customers, and yes I agree, actually more of a duty of Jiayu as manufacturers to all of his customers than you as a distributor. But I wonder should I thank each month to Microsoft that they provide me with FREE updates for their OS? Your cup is unfortunately pretty empty in my eyes. Well, I don’t blame you as much as I do blame Jiayu China (the manufacturer) as they are the ones originally responsible, and they should clean up mess such as this one, but since Jiayu.de is their official distributor they should care about the brand as well as you’re living from a brand as much as “they” are. When you pose as “Jiayu” (and not as ComputerShop GmbH or whatever), than you represent the brand and that manufacturer, and I as a customer shouldn’t see any difference between Jiayu this or Jiayu that. If I went for a visit in Germany and my Jiayu broke down, I should be allowed same kind of customer support as if a German’s customer with a problem in China, correct? Moreso, as a company from European Union you should be way more aware of customer’s / consumer’s rights, and altogether as a “western” company shouldn’t act as some 3rd world country’s bazaar. Jiayu.de/.es/.pl/.cc/.whatever should be ONE brand, and they should offer complete support to all customers of Jiayu. Either that, or – simply lose the branding rights. Again, I blame manufacturer and owner of the brand the most. If I was head of the Baoji Jiayuyutong Electronic Co., Ltd. I’d do few simple things: a) would unite these efforts by distributors so there’s only one “official source” for software updates; b) would probably take the licenses and distributor rights from companies like yours unless they comply to the a); c) would listen to the customers a bit more.
      In the end – whenever you represent yourself behind any kind of Jiayu brand – you are Jiayu. I don’t care if you’re white, black, or yellow, what’s your sex, or country of origin. You’re Jiayu. Act like it.

    • Luka
      August 17, 2015

      Btw, is this your ROM published by some Russian, or is this some Russian publishing your ROM? I wonder…


      But since it’s all GPL and all, do we really care? GPL says that anything derived from GPL is still GPL, and should thus be free for everyone to use. So how come you’re charging for it? Are you forwarding 99% to the other devs that worked on code before you? 😉

    • Sebastian
      August 18, 2015

      It’s kind of our rom, because he used parts of our publicy availble sources.
      We do not charge anything for the code.
      Basically we decided to create this new rom for our customers. We are not forced to release it to everyone.
      Because of people asking to get our software, although they did buy the device somewhere else, we have choosen this way.
      Now it’s up to you, to buy it or not, because we also don’t force anyone to use our products.

    • Sebastian
      August 18, 2015

      I also hope it for you. so you dont have to wast your time to work and get money to support a good project:-) we are happy if the community is working with our roms in future and we are happy that a lot of people can flash their phones by themselfe but the OTA app is for users wich cant flash by themselfe. and for users wich appreciate to update online without any tools, install processes, and risks.

  24. Vlada
    August 14, 2015

    I bought a Jiayu G5S but I was quite disappointed with the phone. The compass never worked correctly even after calibration. GPS was unusable in car, it gets lost at speeds above 20 km/h. After a few months the GPS broke down completely. Furthermore there was a smudge on the screen which was growing over time. I sent the phone back for reparation. They let me pay for new screen (which was not damaged by me, it was like that on arrival), didn’t fix the GPS, damaged microUSB connector so I can not connect the phone to computer anymore and can only charge it, if it is switched off. And to top it all, the touch response of the new screen is very bad.

    It is a shame. The phone worked very smooth, the metal body, although it is a clear copy of iPhone, looks very good. Sound was fine, the metal backcover with button is great, camera worked good. There are no 4,5″ phones with decent specifications.

    If Jiayu will release the rumored S4, fix the GPS issues and promise a better service, I might give them one more chance. But I think it won’t happen. I’ll wait another 1 or 2 months for Doogee F3, Zopo Speed 7, Bluboo Xtouch or even consider a Motorola Moto G because of SW support. The phone, which will offer a CM ROM, will get a lot of plus points by me.

    • Marco Lancaster
      August 14, 2015

      Considering phones from Doogee and Zopo you’ll probably be screwed again.

    • Vlada
      August 17, 2015

      I had a Zopo C2 which was a pretty good phone. And with a custom ROM, it worked OK. Now I have a Doogee DG700 which also runs pretty smooth despite of it’s aging HW. But they lied on specifications. The phone is definitely not waterproof, as they stated. Also they omitted a compass, which doesn’t make sense for an outdoor phone. But it was very cheap.

      So I know, what I’m getting and I don’t expect to get the same quality as from Motorola, Samsung, HTC, Sony or LG for half of the price. But it has to be a decent phone.

      Based on my experiences, I won’t get a phone from them before a full and trusted review. And I expect that if anything goes wrong, the customer service will be a disaster. But still I can get the phone for less then half of the price what an equal device from official EU brand would cost.

  25. RoS
    August 14, 2015

    Why not for S1 🙁

  26. RoS
    August 14, 2015

    Why not for S1 🙁

  27. Dante
    August 14, 2015

    Wow this was really unexpected for me… Still the S3 is shite now that we have the red I note 2

    • Stef
      August 14, 2015

      Anything with 3GB of RAM would be faster than anything with 2GB of RAM (Redmi is only 2GB). It’s the rule of Linux (more Ram = More performance).

      Also MiUI is very bloated compared to CM12.1 …

    • Dante
      August 15, 2015

      Yes i agree with this in linux’s Case and yea MIUi is pretty bloated 🙁

  28. Aeonia
    August 14, 2015

    @marcolancaster:disqus Could you post a link to where you got the cm12 news bit? or was it an insider/tip thing?

    EDIT :: Neva mind found it…

  29. Aeonia
    August 14, 2015

    @marcolancaster:disqus Could you post a link to where you got the cm12 news bit? or was it an insider/tip thing?

    EDIT :: Neva mind found it…

  30. Guest
    August 14, 2015

    Why not for S1 🙁

  31. Boni M.
    August 14, 2015

    @marcolancaster:disqus Could you post a link to where you got the cm12 news bit? or was it an insider/tip thing?

    EDIT :: Neva mind found it…

  32. cmmike
    August 14, 2015

    I don’t even know where to begin with this piece of “news”. Is Jiayu.de an official site? Any more official than Jiayu.se (which has had its pointless app on the Play Store for years)? What is the provenance of those vaporware Cyanogenmod ports (please…)?

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Look at their FB page. They are distributor, and want to charge 30€ for ROM upgrade to anyone that did not buy directly from them.

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Look at their FB page. They are distributor, and want to charge 30€ for ROM upgrade to anyone that did not buy directly from them.

  33. cmmike
    August 15, 2015

    I don’t even know where to begin with this piece of “news”. Is Jiayu.de an official site? Any more official than Jiayu.se (which has had its pointless app on the Play Store for years)? What is the provenance of those vaporware Cyanogenmod ports (please…)?

    • Luka
      August 15, 2015

      Look at their FB page. They are distributor, and want to charge 30€ for ROM upgrade to anyone that did not buy directly from them.

  34. Luka
    August 15, 2015

    I’m so disappointed with Jiayu.de and their attitude. Not only is app not working and half the people can’t even get it from store, but they openly ask 20€ (!!!) for customers that did not buy directly from them! I just wrote an email to ejiayu.com as manufacturer that this looks really bad. No wonder brand is in problems when one distributor works against everyone including the manufacturer. I hope they solve this quickly because while it SEEMS that Jiayu is doing ROM / software support, actually all newer work I’ve seen came from distributors (Poland, Spanish Jiayu.es, and now Jiayu.de from Germany). But all they care are local customers, and all that ejiayu.com is taking care of are initual ROMs and Chinese market.
    Sad, so sad. Great products but supoort is getting worse as it seems to me. Hope they sort it out soon. Lollipop / CM is welcome but for 30$/€ I’ll just switch to another manufacturer in the future.

  35. Luka
    August 15, 2015

    I’m so disappointed with Jiayu.de and their attitude. Not only is app not working and half the people can’t even get it from store, but they openly ask 20€ (!!!) for customers that did not buy directly from them! I just wrote an email to ejiayu.com as manufacturer that this looks really bad. No wonder brand is in problems when one distributor works against everyone including the manufacturer. I hope they solve this quickly because while it SEEMS that Jiayu is doing ROM / software support, actually all newer work I’ve seen came from distributors (Poland, Spanish Jiayu.es, and now Jiayu.de from Germany). But all they care are local customers, and all that ejiayu.com is taking care of are initual ROMs and Chinese market.
    Sad, so sad. Great products but supoort is getting worse as it seems to me. Hope they sort it out soon. Lollipop / CM is welcome but for 30$/€ I’ll just switch to another manufacturer in the future.

  36. Luka
    August 15, 2015

    I’m so disappointed with Jiayu.de and their attitude. Not only is app not working and half the people can’t even get it from store, but they openly ask 20€ (!!!) for customers that did not buy directly from them! I just wrote an email to ejiayu.com as manufacturer that this looks really bad. No wonder brand is in problems when one distributor works against everyone including the manufacturer. I hope they solve this quickly because while it SEEMS that Jiayu is doing ROM / software support, actually all newer work I’ve seen came from distributors (Poland, Spanish

  37. Luka
    August 15, 2015

    and now Jiayu.de from Germany). But all they care are local customers, and all that ejiayu.com is taking care of are initual ROMs and Chinese market.
    Sad, so sad. Great products but supoort is getting worse as it seems to me. Hope they sort it out soon. Lollipop / CM is welcome but for 30$/€ I’ll just switch to another manufacturer in the future.

  38. Sebastian
    August 15, 2015

    Jiayu germany offers the first JIAYU OTA App. The service is for free for jiayu.de customers. The usual service charge for non Jiayu.de customers is 29,90€. Jiayu germany moves on and take the well known “Jiayu software problematic” in their own hands, the real community will appreciates our service. The app and the updates are developed by our own softwareteam, we did not get support by the manufacturer. Most Jiayu Fans will understand and wont have a problem to pay a small price for a good Cyanogenmod OVER THE AIR updateservice. The service contains full update service – pay once, get free access to all updates for your Jiayu without limit.

    Our developing costs for the app and the CM updates are about >5K…so we hope you can understand that our team is not get payed by bread and water.

    And for that one who dont understand: We are very sorry that Jiayu.de / Jiayu Germany offers a better Service than other Companys and Distributors 😉

    (Today we took the app offline the playstore because of known problems https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.jiayu.ota.onetime – the new countdown is running – new release date 22.08.2015 – http://www.jiayu.de)

    • Aeonia
      August 16, 2015

      We understand that the Cyanogenmod was Jiayu Germany’s own effort..that’s why you are charging it..Frankly am just grateful i get to see lollipop..
      My question: When can i expect to get Cyanogenmod on Jiayu G4S..Also how will the update procedure work? Will i upgrade directly from the app?

      • Sebastian
        August 16, 2015

        The OTA update process will be done directly from the app. without any flash. just -over the air-
        Our SW engineer told me right now the Cyanogenmod 12.1 Versions will be available in September after he is back from holiday.

    • Aeonia
      August 16, 2015

      Also can you put a video of CM12.1 running on the Jiayu G4S and S2 straight from boot..2 pictures don’t cut it. If you are going to charge it, might as well prove it exists…

      • Sebastian
        August 16, 2015

        Thats a good idea, we will offer a short video evidence before or same time we release. We will not sell anything wich is not working! and if someone has to claim something we will be there with full and free support. We will explain exactly in the app description wich updates wil be offered for wich model.

    • Scott Rennie
      August 17, 2015

      So which is the recommended upgrade to lollipop at the moment? I would consider your app, and paying as a non de customer. I actually don’t think it’s unreasonable to charge for convenience, and it’s good that you are picking up where the manufacturer has failed. But the app is not useable, as I understand unless you are on Lollipop, so if you could recommend a stable version that would be great. (Running S3S on 4.4 currently)

      • Sebastian
        August 17, 2015

        Hello Scot, Lollipop will come soon. but from 4.4 to 5.0 you need to update by flashtool. from 5.0 up you can use the ota app again.

  39. Sebastian
    August 16, 2015

    Jiayu germany offers the first JIAYU OTA App. The service is for free for jiayu.de customers. The usual service charge for non Jiayu.de customers is 29,90€. Jiayu germany moves on and take the well known “Jiayu software problematic” in their own hands, the real community will appreciates our service. The app and the updates are developed by our own softwareteam, we did not get support by the manufacturer. Most Jiayu Fans will understand and wont have a problem to pay a small price for a good Cyanogenmod OVER THE AIR updateservice. The service contains full update service – pay once, get free access to all updates for your Jiayu without limit.

    Our developing costs for the app and the CM updates are about >5K…so we hope you can understand that our team is not get payed by bread and water.

    And for that one who dont understand: We are very sorry that Jiayu.de / Jiayu Germany offers a better Service than other Companys and Distributors 😉

    (Today we took the app offline the playstore because of known problems https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.jiayu.ota.onetime – the new countdown is running – new release date 22.08.2015 – http://www.jiayu.de)

    • Boni M.
      August 16, 2015

      We understand that the Cyanogenmod was Jiayu Germany’s own effort..that’s why you are charging it..Frankly am just grateful i get to see lollipop..
      My question: When can i expect to get Cyanogenmod on Jiayu G4S..Also how will the update procedure work? Will i upgrade directly from the app?

    • Boni M.
      August 16, 2015

      Also can you put a video of CM12.1 running on the Jiayu G4S and S2 straight from boot..2 pictures don’t cut it. If you are going to charge it, might as well prove it exists…

    • Sebastian
      August 16, 2015

      Thats a good idea, we will offer a short video evidence before or same time we release. We will not sell anything wich is not working! and if someone has to claim something we will be there with full and free support. We will explain exactly in the app description wich updates wil be offered for wich model.

    • Sebastian
      August 16, 2015

      The OTA update process will be done directly from the app. without any flash. just -over the air-
      Our SW engineer told me right now the Cyanogenmod 12.1 Versions will be available in September after he is back from holiday.

    • Scott Rennie
      August 17, 2015

      So which is the recommended upgrade to lollipop at the moment? I would consider your app, and paying as a non de customer. I actually don’t think it’s unreasonable to charge for convenience, and it’s good that you are picking up where the manufacturer has failed. But the app is not useable, as I understand unless you are on Lollipop, so if you could recommend a stable version that would be great. (Running S3S on 4.4 currently)

    • Sebastian
      August 17, 2015

      Hello Scot, Lollipop will come soon. but from 4.4 to 5.0 you need to update by flashtool. from 5.0 up you can use the ota app again.

  40. Sebastian
    August 16, 2015

    LUKA, dont be so negative in your attitude…..the cup is not half emthy, it is still half filled. In all your anger you forgot to mention that we offered 2 Stagefright Fixes without any charge to all JIAYU users worldwide:

    …but you are welcome:-)

    • fztt
      August 19, 2015

      I was not one of those you labeled “negative” and was willing to pay… then I discovered an amateurish app on playstore which didn’t work… which make me doubt the actual rom itself… then you suddenly decided to offer for free to all as a ‘try before buying’ offer, https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=838141342973783&id=322998401154749, in which your documentation listed issues with the roms still unresolved, which is more or less same issues as the one provided for free on needrom… so you were attempting to charge for a rom which is NOT bugfree BUT your postings on gizchina FB and your own FB page NEVER once mentioned this back when you were attempting to charge… So, yes, I am now being negative about the whole experience, especially considering all your posts here and in various FB pages, the negativity is not about the product but your level of professionalism.

      • Sebastian
        August 19, 2015

        (Today we took the app offline the playstore because of known problems https://play.google.com/store/… – the new countdown is running – new release date 22.08.2015 – http://www.jiayu.de)

      • Sebastian
        August 20, 2015

        I dont get you at all. Please check our App on 22th after release. That one wich is online now is not active….so right it wont work because it is not online…it will be online 22th. We decided to offer a ROM for free….not THAT ROM WE WILL OFFER over the app. It is juat a sample for LUKA. Him will work for a beer and fix it i think…. Thanks for your criticism – we will use it to get more professional in future. But i think you shot to fast and this makes you also look not really professional in my opinion:-)—good that you just represent yourselfe, not a company. stay relaxed and judge when you have a reason.

        • fztt
          August 21, 2015

          Wow, making sarcastic remarks while calling others unprofessional and twisting your words in circles… you truly are representing yourself “well”, enough said. Remember, this is a public forum, there’s a silent majority reading without commenting.

        • Luka
          August 29, 2015

          Well, glad that my comments helped steer you in the right direction 😉 And I was relaxed 😉 Luckily I knew I just represented myself, so I don’t mind if someone talks about me on the web, but if it was my company my words would surely be “more professional” 🙂

      • Dr. Cornelius
        August 22, 2015

        He s got no professionalism he s clearly one of those migrants that have invaded us from east Germany when the wall came down 🙂 look at him behaves like a child on here , can not take negative comments , clearly unfit for work … Recreational drugs must have washed his brains out , like this no one in Germany speaks or the shite hole must have gone down the ditch …

        • Sebastian
          August 22, 2015

          This comment is not serious i think? Are u real? Are u okay?
          Do you have any problems with migrants? Dont shout to loud people could think you are a Nazi. What you do is no negative critism. you talk just things without any backround. you act like a wannabe lawyer and claim us for things because you do not have the knowledge what OTA means. sorry, doc hollywood, check your attitude and use google.

          • Dr. Cornelius
            August 22, 2015

            Du hast hochdeutsch gelernt und ein wenig englisch und jetzt denkst du eine große Nummer zu sein 🙂 Hast kein Respekt vor Kunden und kanst nicht mit objektiven und negativen Kommentaren umgehen , hast die Klappe zu weit auf … Verschwinde in die Heimat DDR ler so wie du spricht, man spricht hier im Westen nicht …

            • Sebastian
              August 22, 2015

              Doc, ich bin Westdeutscher:-), musste Hochdeutsch daher nicht lernen. Der englischen Sprache bin ich auch etwas mächtig in Wort und Schrift. Ich persönlich respektiere nicht nur jeden Kunden sondern jeden Menschen, daher mache ich keine Unterschiede zwischen Ost/West schwarz/weiss….und das ohne Dr. Titel:-) Ich respektiere sogar Dich, trotz der Beleidigungen welche Du hier von Dir gibst und obwohl Du kein Kunde bei uns bist. Objektive Kritik ist ewas anderes, Du bist ein Hater kein Kritiker. Zum Kritiker bedarf es etwas mehr als haltlose Beleidigungen und mangelndes Fachwissen rauszuhauen. Aber wenn Du noch etwas an Dir arbeitest und in der Lage bist Dein hier dargelegtes Verhalten zu reflektieren, kannst auch Du Dich weiter entwickeln:-) Wenn Du gelernt hast objektiv zu kritisieren, versuch es einfach nochmal. Okay?

            • Dr. Cornelius
              August 22, 2015

              Was für ein geschwätz 🙂

            • Sebastian
              August 22, 2015

              das entscheiden die Leser:-)

    • Dr. Cornelius
      August 22, 2015

      You are a cheat and I hope you going to charge money for your software and code modifications cause you don’t own the rights to it so I will be the first one to buy it and bring it as a proof against you … Linux and Android are free and all the updates and any modifications resulting out of it can not be resold as you own zero rights on anything you German cleverhead so good luck in court and business shut down ….

  41. Sebastian
    August 16, 2015

    LUKA, dont be so negative in your attitude…..the cup is not half emthy, it is still half filled. In all your anger you forgot to mention that we offered 2 Stagefright Fixes without any charge to all JIAYU users worldwide:

  42. Sebastian
    August 16, 2015

    …but you are welcome:-)

    • fztt
      August 20, 2015

      I was not one of those you labeled “negative” and was willing to pay… then I discovered an amateurish app on playstore which didn’t work… which make me doubt the actual rom itself… then you suddenly decided to offer for free to all as a ‘try before buying’ offer,

    • fztt
      August 20, 2015

      in which your documentation listed issues with the roms still unresolved, which is more or less same issues as the one provided for free on needrom… so you were attempting to charge for a rom which is NOT bugfree BUT your postings on gizchina FB and your own FB page NEVER once mentioned this back when you were attempting to charge… So, yes, I am now being negative about the whole experience, especially considering all your posts here and in various FB pages, the negativity is not about the product but your level of professionalism.

    • Sebastian
      August 20, 2015

      (Today we took the app offline the playstore because of known problems

    • Sebastian
      August 20, 2015

      .. – the new countdown is running – new release date 22.08.2015 – http://www.jiayu.de)

    • Sebastian
      August 20, 2015

      I dont get you at all. Please check our App on 22th after release. That one wich is online now is not active….so right it wont work because it is not online…it will be online 22th. We decided to offer a ROM for free….not THAT ROM WE WILL OFFER over the app. It is juat a sample for LUKA. Him will work for a beer and fix it i think…. Thanks for your criticism – we will use it to get more professional in future. But i think you shot to fast and this makes you also look not really professional in my opinion:-)—good that you just represent yourselfe, not a company. stay relaxed and judge when you have a reason.

    • Luka
      August 29, 2015

      Well, glad that my comments helped steer you in the right direction 😉 And I was relaxed 😉 Luckily I knew I just represented myself, so I don’t mind if someone talks about me on the web, but if it was my company my words would surely be “more professional” 🙂

  43. fztt
    August 19, 2015

    “Try then buy”, much appreciated.

  44. Sebastian
    August 22, 2015

    Interesting….3 guys in this discussion share the same opinion and also the same IP 😉 Guys stop doing politics.

    • Dr. Cornelius
      August 22, 2015

      What a sh# head you are , pretending now that you own disqus.com and can view IP addresses 🙂 go back to east Germany where you escaped from after the wall was taken down , real Germans don’t conversate like you …

      • Sebastian
        August 22, 2015

        Are u really a doctor? After you show your behavior it is very hard to even belive you ever finished university. ;-)…or private university ? 😉

      • Sebastian
        August 22, 2015

        😉 come down boy, stay polite

  45. Sebastian
    August 22, 2015

    Here is the proof that the App is working. The video is also an explanation, how it works.
    It will be online in Playstore soon:

    Enjoy : https://www.facebook.com/JiayuDE/videos/vb.322998401154749/839726126148638/?type=2&theater

  46. Dr. Cornelius
    August 22, 2015

    installing cyber gost or similar , setting the ip to Germany will enable the download no big deal to cheat the cheater 🙂

    • Sebastian
      August 22, 2015

      🙂 ohhh, you are a real cyber gangster, ah?
      🙂 did you try it? I can tell you that the charge has nothing to do with the location. Also a jiayu.de customer from spain, poland or italy for example can use our OTA service for free, baby:) as you said….we are german cleverheads:-)

      • Dr. Cornelius
        August 22, 2015

        The real cyber gangster is you , stealing other peoples free for everyone work and than charging 30 EUR for it , you are so ridiculous you don’t even realize it …

        • Sebastian
          August 22, 2015

          You still did not understand our OTA Service, as i can read. What a pitty. But for you i will explain again that we charge OUR OTA SERVICE FOR NON JIAYU.DE CUSTOMERS! WE DONT TAKE ANY CHARGE FOR ANY FREE SOFTWARE! I hope you are able to understand that now, otherwise i have no idea how i can make it understandable for you. If you want to get the updates we offer over the air for free, here they are: https://mega.nz/#!AB9DhJ7K!gUpXySCkvLqNNBhhNns9aO4ik_Nxnj9vkLlWA4MX5Dg
          You can flash them by yourselfe if you can do it. Other customers wich couldnt do it are happy to install with some klicks with our comfortable OTA service:-) Maybe i should explain it in German for you?

  47. Sebastian
    August 22, 2015

    Here is the proof that the App is working. The video is also an explanation, how it works.
    It will be online in Playstore soon:

    Enjoy :