Guangzhou-based electronics manufacturer Teclast Electronics announced its X98 Pro tablet back in August. Teclast is now ready to bring its dual-booting tablet to the Spanish market, and, with the company’s arrival in the Malaysian market, has its mind set on gaining international recognition.
According to the company, the X98 Pro Dual tablet runs both Windows 10 and Android 5.1 Lollipop. The tablet is already gaining interst simply for the fact that a number of Android customers worldwide would love to have the functionality of both Windows and Android at their fingertips. We’d like to see dual-booting Windows/Android tablets take off with more international manufacturers, so we’ll continue to pay attention to Teclast in this space.
Other X98 Pro Dual specs include a 9.7-inch, IPS “retina” grade display with a 2048 x 1536p screen resolution, a 2.24Ghz, quad-core Intel Z8500 processor, 4GB of LPDDR3 RAM, 64GB of onboard storage, a 2MP front camera and 5MP back camera, as well as an 8,000mAh battery. The price of the Teclast X98 Pro Dual tablet worldwide has dropped to $241.
For Spanish residents, you can expect Teclast’s new X98 Pro Dual tablet to be available for pre-order on Monday, September 21st, from the company’s own website. You can find the link below.