UMi have announced that the new eMax Mini will ship with Android 5.1.1 and will get CM12.1 as an option. Meanwhile eMax owners are still waiting for a long overdue Android 5.1 update.
We posted the news that UMi would release and Android 5.1 update for the UMi eMax on 23rd August, but where is it? Taking a look at UMi’s online community, we aren’t the only ones wondering where the update has disappeared to either. Owners of the eMax are getting impatient as they wait for the update, and hope that the release will fix bugs with the phone and improve poor camera performance.
While current customers are being strung along though, UMi’s marketing team are already rubbing Android 5.1.1 and even CM12.1 in their faces!
In an announcement today, UMi revealed that the new UMi eMax Mini will launch with Android 5.1.1 installed as standard and that customers opting for the device can even run Cyanogen 12.1 on the phone via a RootJoy install.
It’s upsetting to see the company announce this news while eMax owners still wait in hope for their updates. The latest update news being that Android 5.1 will come to the eMax in a few weeks, around 6 weeks too late!
The eMax Mini will launch ‘soon’ according to the company, with 5-inch 1920 x 1080 display, 8 mega-pixel front camera, 13 mega-pixel rear and claimed 3050mAh battery.
As far as we know eMax Mini will be a rebranded TCL 3s M3G so we can’t expect nothing more than TCL is (and that is not bad at all!)
Because MediaTek never released sources for MT6732/6752 for Android 5.1 none device based on that SoC will ever get 5.1/5.1.1 officially.
This is also a reason for MediaTek releasing MT6735/6753 SoC.
Money talks…
??? Meizu M1 note is 6752, and currently has a quite robust beta running for 5.1
so, do you think that mediatek purely lowered specs of MT6735/6753 ( lower cpu freq and mali t720 vs mali t760 of older MT6732/6752) JUST TO SELL EASIER new helio x10 soc?
i cannot find other real reasons!! or maybe… they found that mali t760 was not so much battery friendly…and decided to return to a safer t760 gpu to save energy. What do you think? it’s strange that a new gen of soc is WEAKER that older….