A Swiss company has made a phone that will allow you to make calls and respond to texts.
And it is hard to believe in this day and age, when smartphones are on the verge of taking over our daily lives. Continuous notifications, social media, and of course a call every now and then mean most of us are hooked to our phones for a major part of the day.
That’s exactly what this Swiss company is banking on. Punkt have released the MP01 ‘dumbphone’, which will act as a catalyst in reducing stress from your daily life.
In more ways than one, owning a Punkt MP01 is like owning a good old black-and-white Nokia phone… minus the fact that the MP001 costs quite a bit more at $329 (£219).
Makers of the phone call it ‘a mobile phone for smart communicators’. If nothing else, it is smart marketing for sure.
Besides being able to make calls and respond to texts, you will also be spoilt with features such as a calendar, alarm, Bluetooth, and more on this $329 phone.
So, who’s getting one of these? Or would you rather spend your $329 on something like a OnePlus 2, which incidentally is the exact same price (but with a little more under the hood)?