Xiaomi’s first-gen Mi Band was according to me, and many others, the best piece of wearable kit in the market for a long, long time. The Chinese company followed it up with the new Mi Band Pulse 1s, which while remaining affordable, adds some new features.
Most notable is the addition of a heart-rate sensor. There are other differences as well, more about which you can read here.
I got the Mi Band Pulse 1s last night, and right away slapped it on to my wrist. It is as discreet as the first-gen Mi Band, and you will, for a large part, be oblivious to the presence of the wearable band around your wrist.
Xiaomi Mi Band Pulse 1s Unboxing Video
Xiaomi Mi Band Pulse 1s First Impressions
With only a day spent with the Mi Band Pulse 1s, I’m not exactly in a position to give you a full review, so here are my first impressions.
As mentioned, the band is extremely comfortable to wear. This is thanks to the weight kept to a minimum, and the soft rubber strap that’ll hardly come in your way, if ever.
I did a lot of walking today — 7.5 kilometres or 4.66 miles — which the band seems to have logged pretty accurately. I also made it a point to make a note of the times when I went to bed last night and woke up today morning. The Mi Band Pulse 1s was, like its first-gen sibling, incredibly accurate.
The brains of the band had around 60% juice when I took it out of the box, which should be good for over a couple of weeks of usage.
That’s about it for the first impressions of the Mi Band Pulse 1s. Not too much info here I know, but this is what I could gather from a day with the device.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. And should you want to get an Mi Band Pulse 1s for yourselves, head over to TinyDeal.
Do not buy in Aliexpress store named “YAL” ! They sold me fake mi bands before.
Does anyone have good experience with other stores?
Had a good experience with Ibuygou for the first mi band, but they have no free shipping for the 1s, so I went with Geekbuying instead 🙂
how long did it take to get to your house?
The 1S actually isn’t shipped yet, Geekbuying starts shipping it on 11/30 so I expect it around Christmas (2-5 weeks shipping)
my experience (or bad luck) tells me that whenever they give you a range i always get the longer limit.
since it’s going to be a xmas present i won’t take this chance.
Aww you don’t have to get me a Christmas gift 😉
too late, it’s on its way already.
i shipped to:
somewhere in New England
12345 USA
hope you enjoyed it
Sweet ill go wait by the mailbox!!!
you better bring a nice jacket with you, there’s a nasty wind tonight 🙂
Does it detect pulse for you accurately?
Till I wrote the article I was unable to find the option to check pulse (this was the Mi Fit app from Google Play), but found another APK of the same app which seems to have the heart rate option… Fairly accurate IMO.
Replying to an old post I know. Now there’s software to measure your pulse all day (Mi band notify) I can tell you it’s only ever accurate if you keep still. Useless while exercising.
Thanks Geoff!
Update: found an Mi Fit APK that has support for heart rate measurements.
how long did it take to get to your house?
it seems all resellers have only a presale option.
one more thing Yash.
I’ve just noticed that you have to install an APK to get heart measurement.
What about iOS? if I buy one for my daughter she won’t get that feature since she has an iPhone.
am i correct?
I don’t think you need to worry about the heart rate measurement, the updated app should have all features in it. It took 2 days to get here, but I think it’s in pre-sale at Tinydeal now.
I know it has nothing to do with the band but the mi note 3 really looks looks like a Meizu.
Looking at my MX5 now the only similarity I see is the camera, other than that it is different enough. There’s only so much they can do with metal.
It’s already available on apkmirror dude…Lol
true that
But no Google fit on that version of the app. Does have the option for the scales though.
Can’t say I’m impressed with the heart rate monitor. Only measures on demand no graph of rate throughout a workout etc. You can put it in running mode and get a continuous heart rate readout, but its in tiny text at the bottom of the screen. If you can read it, you’re not working hard enough.
I m certain it will be released in India only in 2017..only.
this bracelet is compatible with runkeeper? thx
Is it continous heartrate monitoring ?
If you mean to ask if it monitors 24×7, no. The official Mi Fit app on the Play Store for now doesn’t tell much about hear rate monitoring. There’s only an option to turn on hear rate monitoring during sleep — and no reports thus far.
deal alert: mi band 1s is in stock now, price goes down to $19.95 http://www.tinydeal.com/simple-px33fwc-p-157800.html