When the OnePlus-Cyanogen Inc. fallout happened, the Cyanogen Inc. CEO had the following words to say “Essentially they (OnePlus) built their brand on the back of Cyanogen.” Which isn’t completely inaccurate. The Chinese have been producing some quality hardware, only to ship it all with often-useless software. Thus, Cyanogen OS did play a major role in the success of the OnePlus One, you’d think.
Now that there’s no factory version of Cyanogen OS for the OnePlus 2 because of the fallout, owners are left with no choice but to use their phones with OxygenOS — which in itself is a highly practical and lightweight ROM.
However, thanks to the community, OnePlus 2 owners will very soon have the opportunity to use their device with the community version of Cyanogen ROMs, i.e., CyanogenMod… in a couple different versions, including CyanogenMod 12.1 (Android 5.1) and CyanogenMod 13 (Android 6.0).
There are, of course, going to be bugs and optimisation issues, but ‘flashaholics’ will be ready to try these ROMs anyway, we assume.