Snapdragon 820 Antutu score hits 131,648 points

snapdragon 820 antutu

Today (11th December) Qualcomm officially launched their latest Snapdragon 820 chipset in China, where they also showed off a prototype phone running the chip which was quickly benchmarked.

After officially launching the Snapdragon 820 in China, Qualcomm let the press get to grips with the power of the SD820 by handing out prototype demo phones with the powerful new chipset.

Snapdragon 820 Antutu Benchmarks

As well as boasting that new processor the device also had Android 6.0 running a ultrasonic fingerprint scanner built in, 2K display, 3GB RAM, 64GB internal memory and 21 mega-pixel camera, but best of all Chinese tech journalists managed to run Antutu V6.0 on it!

snapdragon 820 antutu

The benchmark results are impressive to say the least with the SD820 powered phone managing an astonishing 131,648!Β 

So performance is supersonic on a phone with the Snapdragon 820, so who will launch a phone equipped with the chipset first? Xiaomi, LeTV, Huawei, Vivo, Oppo and even Meizu could be in for the running.

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Previous Today's Advent offer is the ZUK Z1 with accessories for $299.99
Next LeTV launching in the U.S in less than a month


  1. MaxPower
    December 11, 2015

    this is pornography for Antutu fanatics.

    • Muhammad Yasir
      December 11, 2015

      hahaha !

    • Rob
      December 11, 2015

      It would be if it wasn’t v6.0, let’s not forget that the Intel z3735f low power bay trail scores over 85000! I still think this scores less than the kirin 950 that got over 90000 in the previous version.

      • NFSHesham
        December 11, 2015

        The 90,000 of the Kirin 950 is on the 6.0 version as wwell
        We can only compare if they put v5.7.1 on it and then run the tests

    • Joel Adames
      December 11, 2015


    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      For the rest of us it is meaningless numbers until we actually see a SD820 phone in action.

      • Yeti hand
        December 11, 2015

        Balco dropping the BOUUUUM!!
        Balco for president

  2. Muhammad Yasir
    December 11, 2015

    what is ultrasonic fingerprint scanner ?

    • December 11, 2015

      Its a fingerprint scanner that can be hidden behind the display or the front chin of a phone so you can touch that area instead to scan your fingerprint.

      • HabenWill
        December 11, 2015

        Hence: Small bezel on all sites of the phone are possible. Big screen in a phone with short length!!!

      • Muhammad Yasir
        December 11, 2015

        thanks πŸ™‚

  3. Steven Fox
    December 11, 2015

    What a beast, but this is a demo device, so I expect actual scores to be a tad lighter, say around the 120K mark.
    As I predicted this blows out the Kirin 950 in graphics, so Samsung`s new SoC should offer around 150 000 in Antutu.

    • Joel Adames
      December 11, 2015

      Grand theft auto πŸ˜‰

      • MaxPower
        December 11, 2015

        i used to play the GTA2 flawlessly with the SD801.
        I’m sure with the new SoCs you can play even the last GTAs

        • balcobomber25
          December 11, 2015

          I play GTA on the X10 without issues.

        • Aeonia
          December 12, 2015

          by last GTA hope you don’t mean GTA V

          • MaxPower
            December 12, 2015

            maybe not soon, but with the speed they are going we might see it running in a couple of years

  4. geon
    December 11, 2015

    I bet Letv will be the first to launch a device running sd820 :p

      December 11, 2015

      betting on mi5..its an open secret for jan’16 launch

      • geon
        December 23, 2015

        Letv is launching x910 on Jan 6…

  5. Xali
    December 11, 2015

    This is getting out of hand, unless someone is planning to launch an Android Desktop there is no point in those kind of SoCs, its like buying an Intel i7 for your facebook machine.

    I’m more exited about the ultrasonic fingerprint scanner.

    • Joel Adames
      December 11, 2015

      There’s no such thing as too much power period. Even though I won’t be able to buy it for now it will open ways for many other things and make cheaper roads for the affordable phone lines to benefit from older but decent SoCs like the Zuk Z1 does.

      16 core SD850 clocked at 3.5ghz Heck yes please !!!
      12 core MtK X60 at 4.0ghz TAKE MY DARN MONEYS!!!
      14 CORE KIRIN 1230 At 3.8ghz KEEP THEM COMING!!!

      So yeah no such thing as TOO MUCH POWER!!!!

      • David
        December 11, 2015

        You will never see such freqs, calm your tits and read about cpus

        • Joel Adames
          December 11, 2015

          This is not bigger tits. But rather about reducing the impact that new raw power has over the whole market. We are not here because of computers. The page is mainly about Chinese cellphones and other gizmos hence the name (I believe)
          So yes “”we would never se dual cores as those were not necessary”” and now we have multiple choices. So from the 808 801 X10 820 805 X20 410 etc if we stayed put at that point we would still be worshipping the K300 from Sony Ericsson. Bite me πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€

          • Joel Adames
            December 11, 2015

            More so I’m up to the point where I just want a decent phone to do without a PC or laptop and better have a WiFi screen and Bluetooth mouse and keyboard for when at home/work and a WiFi protector for bedroom TV/movies. I’m of the kind not to be cluttered with 10 different device to which I most keep account synced and stuff. And I think that’s the idea Google had in mind when sourcing that nice NEXUS 6 FORM MOTOROLA. So yes …
            Even more power to the small device!!!
            And long live the automatic/winding wristwatch πŸ˜‰

  6. Danny H.
    December 11, 2015

    There’s no such thing as “too much power”. That phrase has been proven wrong so many times! It’s always good to have a little future proof. New standards and new softwares will raise the bar pretty soon. Just remember the original nexus 7 2012, everybody think it’s powerful at that time but it only took around 2 year for it to become completely obsolete. So, go figure!

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      I still use a Nexus 7 and it handles most of what the playstore offers, The biggest downside to the Nexus 7 is the 1GB of RAM, if it had 2 or 3GB it would still be an excellent tablet for most people.

      • Xiaolu
        December 11, 2015

        That’s why none of the latest hardware really gets to impress me, but I was amazed with the idea from that guy from Phonebloks, Dave Hakkens. We need modular devices. I strongly believe this.

      • Aeonia
        December 12, 2015

        My brother has the nexus 7, 2012 model and it can barely handle cyanogen12 without requiring a reboot every 5 hours. The lag is almost unbearable at times

        • Danny H.
          December 12, 2015

          Yeah, mine was so lagging that I finally have to switched to SlimKAT ROM. It’s really good! I highly recommend it.

        • balcobomber25
          December 14, 2015

          I don’t use Cyanogen on mine but it runs fine on MIUI, Slimkat (based on CM) and a few others I have tried. Currently it runs stock Android without issues.

  7. MaxPower
    December 11, 2015

    this is pornography for Antutu fanatics.

    • Guest
      December 11, 2015

      hahaha !

    • Rob
      December 11, 2015

      It would be if it wasn’t v6.0, let’s not forget that the Intel z3735f low power bay trail scores over 85000! I still think this scores less than the kirin 950 that got over 90000 in the previous version.

    • Joel Adames
      December 11, 2015


    • NFSHesham
      December 11, 2015

      The 90,000 of the Kirin 950 is on the 6.0 version as wwell
      We can only compare if they put v5.7.1 on it and then run the tests

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      For the rest of us it is meaningless numbers until we actually see a SD820 phone in action.

    • Yeti hand
      December 11, 2015

      Balco dropping the BOUUUUM!!
      Balco for president

  8. Guest
    December 11, 2015

    what is ultrasonic fingerprint scanner ?

    • Andi Sykes
      December 11, 2015

      Its a fingerprint scanner that can be hidden behind the display or the front chin of a phone so you can touch that area instead to scan your fingerprint.

    • Guest
      December 11, 2015

      Hence: Small bezel on all sites of the phone are possible. Big screen in a phone with short length!!!

    • Guest
      December 11, 2015

      thanks πŸ™‚

  9. Steven Fox
    December 11, 2015

    What a beast, but this is a demo device, so I expect actual scores to be a tad lighter, say around the 120K mark.
    As I predicted this blows out the Kirin 950 in graphics, so Samsung`s new SoC should offer around 150 000 in Antutu.

    Only shame is that there is absolutely nothing that can come close to utilizing those resources.

    • Joel Adames
      December 11, 2015

      Grand theft auto πŸ˜‰

    • MaxPower
      December 11, 2015

      i used to play the GTA2 flawlessly with the SD801.
      I’m sure with the new SoCs you can play even the last GTAs

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      I play GTA on the X10 without issues.

    • Boni M.
      December 12, 2015

      by last GTA hope you don’t mean GTA V

    • MaxPower
      December 13, 2015

      maybe not soon, but with the speed they are going we might see it running in a couple of years

  10. David
    December 11, 2015

    2 milion antutu score to check your facebook. how about sorting that bloadware of android and respecting GPL licences? My Intel dual core @ 2 ghz runs Catia wile my 801 quad core @ 2.5 lags with opening bigger pdf.

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      How about people who compared a desktop CPU to a phone CPU? Kind of hard for me to lug that desktop tower around on the train and in the car.

      • Marco Lancaster
        December 11, 2015

        I know how you feel, it’s always a problem when I have to bring my Tower with me to my work, and also to not miss any inportant email during the path.

        • balcobomber25
          December 11, 2015

          My biggest issue is I can’t find 100000ft extension cables, the damn plug keeps coming undone.

          • Xiaolu
            December 11, 2015


  11. Roberto TomΓ‘s
    December 11, 2015

    remember this is still the antutu beta v6. I have heard that there is debate about whether they will go forward with it as is or not.

  12. geon
    December 11, 2015

    I bet Letv will be the first to launch a device running sd820 :p

      December 11, 2015

      betting on mi5..its an open secret for jan’16 launch

    • geon
      December 23, 2015

      Letv is launching x910 on Jan 6…

  13. Guest
    December 11, 2015

    This is getting out of hand, unless someone is planning to launch an Android Desktop there is no point in those kind of SoCs, its like buying an Intel i7 for your facebook machine.

    I’m more exited about the ultrasonic fingerprint scanner.

    • Joel Adames
      December 11, 2015

      There’s no such thing as too much power period. Even though I won’t be able to buy it for now it will open ways for many other things and make cheaper roads for the affordable phone lines to benefit from older but decent SoCs like the Zuk Z1 does.

      16 core SD850 clocked at 3.5ghz Heck yes please !!!
      12 core MtK X60 at 4.0ghz TAKE MY DARN MONEYS!!!
      14 CORE KIRIN 1230 At 3.8ghz KEEP THEM COMING!!!

      So yeah no such thing as TOO MUCH POWER!!!!

    • Guest
      December 11, 2015

      You will never see such freqs, calm your tits and read about cpus

    • Joel Adames
      December 11, 2015

      This is not bigger tits. But rather about reducing the impact that new raw power has over the whole market. We are not here because of computers. The page is mainly about Chinese cellphones and other gizmos hence the name (I believe)
      So yes “”we would never se dual cores as those were not necessary”” and now we have multiple choices. So from the 808 801 X10 820 805 X20 410 etc if we stayed put at that point we would still be worshipping the K300 from Sony Ericsson. Bite me πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€

    • Joel Adames
      December 11, 2015

      More so I’m up to the point where I just want a decent phone to do without a PC or laptop and better have a WiFi screen and Bluetooth mouse and keyboard for when at home/work and a WiFi protector for bedroom TV/movies. I’m of the kind not to be cluttered with 10 different device to which I most keep account synced and stuff. And I think that’s the idea Google had in mind when sourcing that nice NEXUS 6 FORM MOTOROLA. So yes …
      Even more power to the small device!!!
      And long live the automatic/winding wristwatch πŸ˜‰

  14. balcobomber25
    December 11, 2015

    This was run on Antutu V6.0 which inflates the scores to give higher numbers.

    • Γ–ysan Kulbay
      December 11, 2015

      Oh ok. Thanks for clarification mate. Then QC is misleading ppl. I Have no doubt that the SoC is very very powerful but if this score isnt what it seems to be then id expect atleast around 85-90k on v5 which still is a fantastic score.

      • JeffreyHF
        December 11, 2015

        QC didn’t run the test, and choose it, Mate. That was done by a member of the Chinese press.

    • Jimmy
      December 12, 2015

      Thank you, this information puts the score in a whole different perspective. It’s that time again that with a new Antutu version, the scores are also way higher and not comparable to scores of an older version.

      • balcobomber25
        December 14, 2015

        Antutu does that on purpose, they want the scores to appear higher so more people will talk about them. It’s marketing 101.

  15. Γ–ysan Kulbay
    December 11, 2015

    Yup, next phone for me is SD820 or Ex8880 or whatever it is called.

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      You base your phone buying decisions entirely off of the SoC that is used?

      • Γ–ysan Kulbay
        December 11, 2015

        Not entirely no but considering the v6.0 betascore on the SoC…it gives me good reason to believe that the coming phones will provide insane power with an insane amount of capabilities which id assume the OEMs of the world will utilize in a reasonable fashion. πŸ™‚

        • balcobomber25
          December 11, 2015

          What exactly do you do Android that you need that much power for? I’m just curious

          • MaxPower
            December 11, 2015


            • balcobomber25
              December 11, 2015

              And Candy Crush!

          • lolwut
            December 12, 2015


          • thachad098
            December 29, 2015

            Swipe on the home screen and try to make it lag

            • balcobomber25
              December 29, 2015

              You would be using a pretty horrid UI if it lags by swiping on the home screen.

  16. Danny H.
    December 11, 2015

    There’s no such thing as “too much power”. That phrase has been proven wrong so many times! It’s always good to have a little future proof. New standards and new softwares will raise the bar pretty soon. Just remember the original nexus 7 2012, everybody think it’s powerful at that time but it only took around 2 year for it to become completely obsolete. So, go figure!

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      I still use a Nexus 7 and it handles most of what the playstore offers, The biggest downside to the Nexus 7 is the 1GB of RAM, if it had 2 or 3GB it would still be an excellent tablet for most people.

    • Xiaolu
      December 11, 2015

      That’s why none of the latest hardware really gets to impress me, but I was amazed with the idea from that guy from Phonebloks, Dave Hakkens. We need modular devices. I strongly believe this.

    • Boni M.
      December 12, 2015

      My brother has the nexus 7, 2012 model and it can barely handle cyanogen12 without requiring a reboot every 5 hours. The lag is almost unbearable at times

    • Danny H.
      December 12, 2015

      Yeah, mine was so lagging that I finally have to switched to SlimKAT ROM. It’s really good! I highly recommend it.

    • balcobomber25
      December 14, 2015

      I don’t use Cyanogen on mine but it runs fine on MIUI, Slimkat (based on CM) and a few others I have tried. Currently it runs stock Android without issues.

  17. Guest
    December 11, 2015

    2 milion antutu score to check your facebook. how about sorting that bloadware of android and respecting GPL licences? My Intel dual core @ 2 ghz runs Catia wile my 801 quad core @ 2.5 lags with opening bigger pdf.

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      How about people who compared a desktop CPU to a phone CPU? Kind of hard for me to lug that desktop tower around on the train and in the car.

    • Marco Lancaster
      December 11, 2015

      I know how you feel, it’s always a problem when I have to bring my Tower with me to my work, and also to not miss any inportant email during the path.

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      My biggest issue is I can’t find 100000ft extension cables, the damn plug keeps coming undone.

    • Xiaolu
      December 11, 2015


  18. Roberto TomΓ‘s
    December 11, 2015

    remember this is still the antutu beta v6. I have heard that there is debate about whether they will go forward with it as is or not: at least some seem to feel that the benchmark goes too far in emphasizing single core performance. (The same score in antutu v5 would be in the 80-90k range. Apple, Intel, and Qualcomm stand to look much better with v6, without actually changing their designs.)

  19. jitender singh
    December 11, 2015


    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      Depends on multiple factors. The SoC is only one component that makes up a phone and it isn’t even the most expensive component, that usually belongs to the display. And then there is the brand name, which also plays into it. You will see 820 phones for as low as $300 and as high as $700.

      • Angry Mobile Nerd
        December 12, 2015

        Just my opinion but I don’t think we’ll see a 300 dollar 820 phone until late Q3 or Q4 if at all next year.

        • balcobomber25
          December 14, 2015

          Depends when Mi5 releases and what the exchange rate is. Xiaomi has been static with their prices over the years regardless of new technology. There is little reason to believe the Mi5 won’t cost 1999 yuan which was the price of the Mi4, Mi3, Mi2 etc. At today’s exchange rate that is just about $310.

  20. balcobomber25
    December 11, 2015

    This was run on Antutu V6.0 which inflates the scores to give higher numbers. This was run on Antutu V6.0 which inflates the scores to give higher numbers. How much higher well lets take a look at some scores between 5.x and 6.0

    Iphone 6s:
    5.x – 59,145
    6.0 – 123,567

    Nexus 9:
    5.x – 55,325
    6.0 – 106,023

    HTC M9:
    5.x – 56690
    6.0 – 79,100

    These are Antutu’s official numbers they released. It goes to show how useless this test is and how the above score should be taken with a grain of salt.

    • Pezzo
      December 11, 2015

      Oh ok. Thanks for clarification mate. Then QC is misleading ppl. I Have no doubt that the SoC is very very powerful but if this score isnt what it seems to be then id expect atleast around 85-90k on v5 which still is a fantastic score.

    • JeffreyHF
      December 11, 2015

      QC didn’t run the test, and choose it, Mate. That was done by a member of the Chinese press.

    • Guest
      December 12, 2015

      Thank you, this information puts the score in a whole different perspective. It’s that time again that with a new Antutu version, the scores are also way higher and not comparable to scores of an older version.

    • balcobomber25
      December 14, 2015

      Antutu does that on purpose, they want the scores to appear higher so more people will talk about them. It’s marketing 101.

  21. inquirercet
    December 11, 2015

    the question is: will it be able to cook an egg?

    • JeffreyHF
      December 11, 2015

      The answer, for all but paid trolls, is “no”.

  22. Pezzo
    December 11, 2015

    Yup, next phone for me is SD820 or Ex8880 or whatever it is called.

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      You base your phone buying decisions entirely off of the SoC that is used?

    • Pezzo
      December 11, 2015

      Not entirely no but considering the v6.0 betascore on the SoC…it gives me good reason to believe that the coming phones will provide insane power with an insane amount of capabilities which id assume the OEMs of the world will utilize in a reasonable fashion. πŸ™‚

    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      What exactly do you do Android that you need that much power for? I’m just curious

    • MaxPower
      December 11, 2015


    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      And Candy Crush!

    • lolwut
      December 13, 2015


    • Guest
      December 30, 2015

      Swipe on the home screen and try to make it lag

    • balcobomber25
      December 30, 2015

      You would be using a pretty horrid UI if it lags by swiping on the home screen.

  23. jitender singh
    December 11, 2015


    • balcobomber25
      December 11, 2015

      Depends on multiple factors. The SoC is only one component that makes up a phone and it isn’t even the most expensive component, that usually belongs to the display. And then there is the brand name, which also plays into it. You will see 820 phones for as low as $300 and as high as $700.

    • Angry Mobile Nerd
      December 12, 2015

      Just my opinion but I don’t think we’ll see a 300 dollar 820 phone until late Q3 or Q4 if at all next year.

    • balcobomber25
      December 14, 2015

      Depends when Mi5 releases and what the exchange rate is. Xiaomi has been static with their prices over the years regardless of new technology. There is little reason to believe the Mi5 won’t cost 1999 yuan which was the price of the Mi4, Mi3, Mi2 etc. At today’s exchange rate that is just about $310.

  24. inquirercet
    December 11, 2015

    the question is: will it be able to cook an egg?

    • JeffreyHF
      December 11, 2015

      The answer, for all but paid trolls, is “no”.

  25. ChrisGX
    December 12, 2015

    Antutu numbers can’t be taken seriously because 1) Antutu is a crappy benchmark that fails to return consistent results run to run and 2) some time ago, Qualcomm concluded (in connection to a lot of unexpectedly high and hard to believe Antutu benchmark results reported for the SD810) that Antutu wasn’t returning correct numbers on Qualcomm chips.

    Concerning yourself with Antutu numbers is a waste of time.

  26. Aeonia
    December 12, 2015

    Oh my!..dat 3D score alone is enough to make me super jealous..

  27. Aeonia
    December 12, 2015

    Hard to imagine my first android phone scored an Antutu benchmark of 4250…

    • Aman
      December 12, 2015

      Optimus black reminds me those days πŸ™‚

  28. ChrisGX
    December 12, 2015

    Antutu numbers can’t be taken seriously because 1) Antutu is a crappy benchmark that fails to return consistent results run to run and 2) some time ago, Qualcomm concluded (in connection to a lot of unexpectedly high and hard to believe Antutu benchmark results reported for the SD810) that Antutu wasn’t returning correct numbers on Qualcomm chips.

    Concerning yourself with Antutu numbers is a waste of time.

  29. Boni M.
    December 12, 2015

    Oh my!..dat 3D score alone is enough to make me super jealous..

  30. Boni M.
    December 12, 2015

    Hard to imagine my first android phone scored an Antutu benchmark of 4250…

    • Aman
      December 12, 2015

      Optimus black reminds me those days πŸ™‚