Swedish communications giant Ericsson has made legal cases against a number of phone makers this year, but have they really started legal proceedings against UMi?
A pinch of salt simply won’t cover this news so I recommend sitting in a salty sea water bath, with a plate of salt sandwiches on the side while reading UMi’s claims.
In an article that UMi have titled “UMi the second Chinese phone maker after Xiaomi sued by Ericsson” the Chinese phone maker claims that Ericsson has sent them a letter ordering UMi to stop sales of the UMi Zero, Iron Pro and Hammer S through their Amazon store in the UK. The reason being that UMi has failed to meet Essential Patents agreements relating to 2G, 3G and 4G technology.
The fact that UMi seem quite proud of being sued and have shared the news with the media, forces me to be highly sceptical that this is the real deal, and nothing more than a way to generate some hype.
Still if it is true, what does it mean for other Chinese phone makers also selling their devices on Amazon in the UK. Will Elephone and others also get a similar angry letter?
Umi… The second Chinese phone maker? Really?
Yeah, and elephone is first.
take the time to read the end of the sentence bro 😉
UMI Rome, only two touch points.Just twoJust two.Just two.Just two..We were all cheated by him, and I had asked for a refund.
Over at UMi;
Guy 1: “We got sued, YES…We are famous. They know us! Ha! Suck on that Jiayu, insert other brands here e.t.c ”
Guy In Charge: “We need to boast, I want this on every news blog and social media site. Shout it from your rooftops if you have to..! ”
Guy 3, 4, 5…10: “Agreed !!”
Sounds more like a publicity stunt. It doesn’t really make sense on Ericssons part. The legal fees are probably more than Umi sells in India. I’ve seen similar stunts like this in this past. Expect a release from Ericsson saying :”who is Umi?”
I was into the salty bath and i wanted to take a salt sandwich from my plate, but everytime i touched it with my wet hand they just disappeared… Is this some kind of bug? Do i need to reistall sandwiches.apk? Is there a tutorial of some sort?
However, they want to gain the “bad guy” gimmick… So childish! This marketing strategy “doesn’t hold water” (and we know it doesn’t go along that well with salt sandwiches)
“UMi the second Chinese phone maker” After that, i stopped reading. lol
UMI Rome, only two touch points.Just two.We were all cheated by him, and I had asked for a refund.
The second chinese phone maker sued by Ericsson. You shouldn’t have stopped to read at least the sentence 😉
UMI Rome, only two touch points.We were all cheated by him, and I had asked for a refund.
Ule-guy, not even styler has the phone in his hands, and you have? Try to be smart at least, if you want to fake the angry customer role!
https://youtu.be/oPpOO1S5yNM You’re a poor guy, why do you think that other people are angry? There is a video, you look at it, the poor UMI-GUY.
Who is this just two touch points guy? If he made sense we might just listen to him. ?
You are hilarious, ule-guys!