Spring Electronic Show is annual trade event, which is more or less mandatory for every Chinese tech producer to showcase their products. The whole event is divided into blocks for each section of the electronic products and for those who would miss the spring term for some reason there is also a fall one. So everything considered it’s pretty prestige type of an event.
So it comes not as a surprise that Chinese phone makers Bluboo are also attending this Hong Kong based event, which is sometimes also called Asia-World Expo.
Their portfolio to present at the event consists of the already well known gadgets for our readers. Bluboo Picasso, Bluboo Xfire 2 and from the wearable department Xwatch.
If you are in Hong Kong it would be a shame to miss such massive event, because the chance to see in person all the new chinese gadgets is pretty appealing, Bluboo products are just a drop in the sea.