We are getting bits of the UMI Super specs reveals here and there and slowly getting to piece the puzzle together. What’s already known is the Super AMOLED display and dual camera setup, so what’s the next stuff coming?
Not even close to full specs yet, but today’s revelations are quite massive, UMI Super is apparently going to have the USB Type-C audio connector and ultra fast charging support for the battery, but the real kicker is 6 GB RAM and price slightly under 300$. Sounds pretty competitive to me so far.
So what sort of a CPU could UMI Super realistically have paired with 6 GB RAM? Is the Snapdragon 820 a possibility? Keep in mind that unlike some other manufacturers sticking strictly to Mediatek UMI already has an experience with Qualcomm chipset used in their phone with UMI eMAX mini in late summer 2015. So are we getting another Snapdragon UMI phone with the Super model?
And one last question for you in the end, would you consider buying UMI Super for sub 300$ price looking at the specs revealed so far?
Don’t bring such misinformation: umi IS stuck with mediatek, since emax mini is just a rebranded tcl phone… So no way we’re going to see a sd820!
its also VERY expensive for UMI … a 650/652 or x20 would be good
Very happy to see that the people of the gizchina still support the beloved. I hope your everything good.
lets see what the real Lei Jun does if he ever comes across this 😀
hope you don’t make him an alcoholic :p !
My dear, i hope you dont think i am an impostor of the Chairman, for as I Lei Jun, am the Chairman of the Beloved Millet. So I may ask: R U OK?`