In their PR crusade the UMI has published some fan comments about the UMI Touch model and surprisingly those are overly positive. After all, who would publish negative comments from the disgruntled customers right ?
Judging by this feedback we can assume the UMI Touch model scored the success mainly thanks to the design and endurance of the 4000 mAh battery. Currently the UMI Touch is on sale for $129.99 for example here.
So let’s take a look on the UMI Touch fan feedback.
Are they reporting feedbacks about screens with dead pixels and crooked home buttons too?
Ahahah! They found only 2 people that are happy with the UMi Touch (maybe they are fake) and they publish their comments!
But they don’t give us the feedback of many others, who have many problems with the UMi Touch… I’m waiting for the UMi employees to troll this article too and tell us how cool phone is… =P