Watch: Xiaomi Yi 4K unboxing video

Xiaomi’s drone might be the next big thing the Chinese company is working to release, but the new Yi 4K action camera has its own share of fans.

The action camera, launched recently, is an upgrade to the highly successful Yi action camera launched last year. While the first generation model wasn’t particularly action-compatible, Xiaomi (and its subsidiaries) have added a lot more features to the 4K version to make it much more versatile.

Stocks are expected to show up next month (or even later). However, Geekbuying seem to have gotten their hands on some nonetheless. The folks even put together an unboxing video for us to watch, embedded below.

Gizchina News of the week

Worth noting is the box, which — like most Xiaomi products — is made to endure long international shipping durations without damaging the product inside.

Since stocks are only expected next month, the camera right now only on presale for $249. We’re expecting a review unit soon, stay tuned for that. Meanwhile, refresh your memory while going through the first-gen Yi review!

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  1. Julian Richards
    May 20, 2016

    I’d like a version with a Sony e-mount so that I could swap lenses around. The e-mount is pretty much the universal donor for lens adapters.

  2. Karly Johnston
    May 21, 2016

    Does it have any stabilization?

  3. agunrunner
    May 21, 2016

    price is high would you not be better with elephone camera for price