Imagine being at work when all of a sudden your Xiaomi Mi4i decides to spontaneously combust! That’s what happened to one user and it was caught on camera.
A Xiaomi Mi4i owner in India has posted a video of his phone suddenly exploding while on charge at work. The user managed to get a copy of his work place’s CCTV footage which shows the Mi4i smoke and then explode in a flash.
This isn’t the first time a smartphone has been reported to explode, however in many past cases the cause of the accident is usually blamed on the use of non official accessories or chargers.
We’re waiting to find out if the owner of the Mi4i used an official charger or not, and to see if Xiaomi will make any official comment about the incident.
Have you had any similar incidents with your Chinese devices with their official chargers or not? Let us know in the comments below
Is that a rocket in your pocket ? No, it’s just my phone exploding :)) This one did look like a rocket when it exploded.
The Mi4i was a terrible phone but this happens a lot and most of the time has nothing to do with the phone. The usual culprit is the charger.
I actually had a cheap charger blow up in the wall socket. I was watching a movie and heard a loud popping noise, turned around and the charger was in flames.