WATCH: Man smashes 14 iPhones, MacBook at store!

A rather nice-looking man (before he proceeds to do what he did) was seen smashing a bunch of iPhones and a MacBook at a shopping center in France.

Have a look at the videos below

It isn’t known yet if the man was an aggravated customer, an Apple-hater or plain retarded. Either way, what you saw on tape was a rather extreme reaction. Must admit though, he was quite clinical with the glove, steel ball and one-hit killings. LOL!

He even tried to run away in the end, obviously unsuccessfully. He’s probably just angry about the Jet Black iPhone 7 not being in stock.

What do you think?

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  1. A
    September 30, 2016

    He probably fell to that “iphone 7 hidden headphone jack” joke

  2. Conrad Aquilina
    September 30, 2016

    Will someone please translate???? 🙂

    • Conrad Aquilina
      September 30, 2016

      Apple is a company that ‘violated’ European consumers’ rights. They refused to reimburse me, I told them: ‘Give me my money back’. They said no. So you know what’s happening? This is happening!” – before wrecking another iPhone

      • E8hffff
        October 2, 2016

        Sounds like something I would do.

      • Fred
        October 3, 2016

        this is exactly what he said and just before that he said to a man””shut the fuck off”

  3. greg
    September 30, 2016

    He did it to get thousands of Youtube views ? , it is nice to see the polite French employees from Apple do nothing ,hahahaha

    • Yeti hand
      October 1, 2016

      Who is gonna risk to get hit with a steel ball for a simple smartphone when you got plenty in stock??

  4. Yeti hand
    October 1, 2016

    lol I speak french, apple didn’t give him his money back that why he’s mad.

  5. vincent
    October 1, 2016

    This man has a kid behavior…………… In the 3rd part, he is like : ” omg, it will go on YouTube, you will see how these security guards are hitting me, they are so violent… In France we have no rights, omg Omg Omg rofl” … 2016’s mentality is like : “take a video, put in on YouTube, get views…. criticize everything you can…. , then say you are a little victim… “

    • Obo
      October 3, 2016

      This. The victim mentality is everywhere these days.

      There’s actually competition out there to see who can be the biggest victim.

      • vincent
        October 3, 2016

        totally agree

  6. E8hffff
    October 2, 2016

    I give him the thumbs up. Apple needs a reality check from time to time. They aren’t perfect.

    • Alexander van Scherpenseel
      October 3, 2016

      Sure man… So next time you need a reality check, we will come into your house and break everything you own! Maybe that will wake you up… People like this should be locked up.

      • E8hffff
        October 3, 2016

        Apple has particular problems they are refusing to address, like the screeching sound problem some owners get that requires the device to be rebooted. Now a company that has become so wealthy from it persona needs to be extra forth coming to issues customers have, else they need to be put in their place.

  7. Alexander van Scherpenseel
    October 3, 2016

    I think those safety guards are passive af… If it was me there I would have dropped his sorry ass to the ground with my knee on his neck untill the police would show up.