The big Nomu global sale event is already up and running as we announced yesterday so it’s time to grab your fishing gear and dive into the “fishing contest” on their website. Until October 27th you can try your luck and maybe you can be among those winning some Apple or Samsung phones, eventually Nomu discount coupons.
All you have to do is navigate to their website, fill in your email address and click on the fishing rod. You can find all the detailed rules for the event in here. During the duration of the event all three Nomu rugged phones will be discounted by up to $30 so Nomu S10 will be up for grabs for $99.99, Nomu S20 for $149.99 and Nomu S30 for $229.99.
You can find exact specifications for all the phones in here and they have also started an official Nomu Youtube channel, so check it out too for more videos. And we can also promise our own take on the Nomu S20, because we have the sample already for few days and first impressions should be up very soon, stay tuned.
For the Greek fans of GizChina, we already reviewed Nomu S20, so you can check it out here, while you wait for the English, detailed version of our Editors 😉