Uhans H5000 is one of the latest Uhans devices being released and despite the 5000 in its name it’s not carrying the battery of such capacity. But it’s not that far off the mark because it has 4500 mAh so in theory it should provide quite some solid battery life.
But theory aside how’s the real performance ? Well for that we have an official Uhans video with the favourite discipline of most chinese phone makers, the comparison test. And also as usual it’s a bit of apples and oranges, even though it’s not the iPhone being challenged but Samsung Galaxy S7, which is equipped with only a 3000 mAh battery.
For the video test purposes both devices were charged fully and performed a quite short half an hour gaming test, so virtually not proving anything significant. But of course Uhans H5000 battery drop is not as high as the Samsung’s one for what it’s worth. Check out yourself.
Battery Uhans H5000 lasts for 7 days normal use Smartphone; 43 days he can be in standby mode; over 87.5 hours one can lead on this Smartphone. Active user almost two days may not be recharged! Even if it remains 1% charge and you can use a Smartphone for about an hour this Unit Price only $109.99. More http://www.gearbest.com/cell-phones/pp_578035.html
It is pleasant to me when in the name – battery power. And that some companies write unreal numbers in the name, for example, 9000, it confuses a little. In principle, the smartphone is good. I wait for responses.
The smartphone is now available below 40000 rupees http://www.bestsmartphone4u.com/best-smartphone-under-40000-rupees