The Chinese juggernaut that is Xiaomi has been demonstrating its powerful grasp on the market to its full potential. The company continues to release multiple different products spanning many different markets, including laptops with their Mi Notebook Air line. Now, they’re looking to further expand said line, right before the end of the year as well.
Xiaomi’s begun sending out invites for the new device, and there’s plenty of information we can extract from them. For starters, the invite presents the date of the event, as well as an image of the Notebook from the side. Only when you take a closer look do things get more interesting.

The device’s keyboard and ports remain unchanged from the normal model, at least on the right. What’s interesting is the 4G sign on the device’s display, along with the China Mobile logo next to Xiaomi’s. From this, we can probably conclude that this will be a 4G variant of the Notebook Air, though there could be more changes we have yet to see.
We’re not sure whether the 4G Notebook Air will be 12.5-inch, 13-inch or a completely new size, so we’ll have to wait and see. What do you think of the new Mi Notebook Air? What would you like to see from it aside from 4G support? Tell us down in the comments below.
I hope 2017 sees the DEATH AND DESTRUCTION of 16:9 for laptops.
16:9 is *not* a productivity ratio for smaller (laptop-size) screens; most users don’t buy laptops primarily to watch wide-screen video.
Give us back our vertical space, PC makers. There’s no reason only macbooks should be 16:10.
I hope Xiaomi is listening. There’s a real opening there for them.