If you’re interested in the Vernee Mars, then you’ll be glad to know this might be your lucky day. Vernee is currently holding a giveaway for the Vernee Mars, and there are 5 units available. So, how do you join this giveaway?
The company has given some steps, though they’re kind of vaguely worded. The company is asking consumers to email them ‘suggestions’, though its not clear suggestions on what. We assume they want suggestions for the next Mars device, or how to improve on the current model.

And once you’re done sending in the suggestion, all you need to do is apparently sit and wait. Vernee will then cherry pick the best 5 suggestions and give each person a unit of the Vernee Mars. Oh, and they also reserve all rights to this campaign, which is included in the steps for some reason.
If you’re interested in this giveaway, you can find out the details here, or email them at campaign@vernee.cc. If you want more information on the Mars itself however, I’d recommend a reputable source like our own Zijin’s review of the device.
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