Xiaomi is working hard to further expand its tech portfolio and they don’t seem eager to slow down at any cost. That’s why rumors today insist that on March 21 we’re going to see an entirely new Mi TV product with interesting features.
Xiaomi’s first teaser image on this was released a couple of hours ago and shows a small child dressed as Superman aiming high at the sky. This could hint at a smaller-sized Mi TV with superb features, planned to be launched on March 21 but the device is open for pre-order on Mi home. Oh and note that with each pre-order you get an offer of 100 Yuan off the final price when buying.
According to rumors, this new Mi TV will be aimed mainly towards younger people, who prefer a variety of contents with a comfortable viewing experience. The new product also is expected to be much smaller, therefore cheaper as the teaser suggests.
We’ll be here on Match 21 to show you what it’s all about.