UMIDIGI managed to drop some jaws and impress people with their planned UMIDIGI Crystal model, the Xiaomi Mi Mix clone with more than solid specs and crazy low sign-up price of $99.99. But it seems like this could be only the very start of their bezel-less endevours for the coming months.
In today’s press release they have clearly stated they are planning to further explore and dive into the new “bezel-less era” and even released some interesting teaser pictures of things to come. Judging by these pictures the next bezel-less phone to follow is not going to be the tri-bezel-less design of the UMIDIGI Crystal, but rather something along the lines of Samsung S8 or LG G6.
There is a talk in hushed tones lately about some potential UMIDIGI device sporting some AMOLED screen with 18:9 aspect ratio and extreme screen to body ratio. So it may as well be this one, which is presented to us by these teaser pictures. Things are looking quite good for UMIDIGI lately and we are quite curious and intrigued by their next moves in the smartphone design and development.