It seems that North Korean companies don’t care about being sent lawsuits, or about any matter at all from what we see. That’s why one of them unveiled yesterday their first tablet naming it iPad! Meet Ryonghung iPad guys, the tablet that comes as a tablet PC bearing an exceptional name.
I am sure that Apple already has sent armies of lawyers to the company but since they are based inside North Korea I guess it will be a bit difficult for the lawsuit papers to find their way into the secluded country. Anyway, let’s have a look at the specs of the Ryonghung iPad in case you’re interested to go in there and buy one. It comes with a Quad-core 1.2GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM, 8GB storage and an HDMI cable. It packs a keyboard and “boasts” internet connectivity, but we have no idea yet what type of operating system it runs on. Perhaps iOS? 😉