The smartphone market may have paced ahead and everyone’s eyes set on the upcoming Note 8, but Samsung’s Note7 isn’t a device that’s going to be forgotten any time soon.
There’s two reasons why that’s the case: one, the ill-fated phone suffered a poor battery, and two, Samsung simply don’t want to let go of deadstock.
Word is that the recalled phone is set to take rebirth as the Note 7 FE, with the production line already underway reportedly. According to news coming in from Samsung’s homeland, the Note 7 FE will be made available in 400,000 units, which will probably stay limited to it’s home shores.
Sources suggest that the phone will sell for around the 700,000 South Korean won, roughly the equivalent of around $600. Still not quite cheap, but Samsung seems to want to put a value on its brand.
What do you think about this strategy? Would you buy a device like this, had it been available in your country?