Online retailer Banggood are currently running lots of promotions and activities over on their website in occasion of their 11th anniversary. They are mostly divided in three big sections: we have the 11th anniversary shopping guide, a main event page and Snap up deals. Let’s have a closer look!
Let’s begin with the 11th Anniversary Shopping Guide which explains how the whole event will be working. Obviously you need to register on the website and additionally download the Banggood iOS and Android app. After that you can go ahead and vote which anniversary video you liked the most to get coupons ranging from $1 to $10.
You can also play a game to win coupons and a big prize, but it’s not quite clear what it is yet, but it could be an Eachine E52 drone. Lastly, we have a Puzzle Bingo Game which will also allow you to get more coupons.
On the main event page you will find products discounted at up to 90% Off and all the various deals with the date on which they’ll be available. There you can also get a 11% off coupon every round for a maximum of five.
Lastly, we have what’s probably the most interesting page, the Snap Up one. Here you can get products at incredible low prices, such as the Xiaomi Mi6 for just $349.99, Mi Band 2 for just $12.49 and many other interesting products from other categories.
Head over to the Shopping Guide page here, the main event page and the Snap Up deals to check out Banggood’s 11th Anniversary best offers!