Online retailer Tomtop prepares for Black Friday a week in advance. Starting today you can indeed browse the site and find hundreds of super interesting deals starting from $1.99. Additionally you could also win a Xiaomi Mi A1 if you’re lucky enough; let’s have a closer look!
Tomtop’s promo page welcomes us with various coupons based on categories. We go from the 6% on smartphones and accessories, 12% on hunting accessories, 10% on video and audio products, to the 10% on RC toys and more.
Just below them, we find what most of you are probably here for – the game to win a free Xiaomi Mi A1. By clicking on the banner you get redirected to a page where all you have to do is click a treasure chest and cross your fingers, if you’re lucky enough you’ll get Xiaomi’s phone.
As far as deals go, on Tomtop we find a Full HD capable action camera with accessories for just $19.75, the KKmoon car player with a large 7-inch display, bluetooth and radio going for only $46.99, and a pair of beautiful Xiaomi Mi headphones “Relax Version” going for $37.19.
If you head over there tomorrow, you’ll instead be able to buy a 960P HD 360-degree Wifi VR IP camera for as low as $22.99, a solar-powered motion-sensing wall light for $7.59 and more. Tomtop will be adding new deals every day up until November 24th, where they will also give away $50 and $100 coupons.
Visit Tomtop’s Black Friday promotional page to find the deals above and more.