Ho ho ho ! Chinese fat Christmas Santa is almost here and arming up to come with a sleigh full of some hefty discounts bearing the BLUBOO logo on the gifts. Because the chinese brand just announced a massive promo event happening from December 25th to January 3rd 2018 and the discounts can reach up to 50%.
Yes to get to such level you will need to be a bit lucky in the snap-up events, but still you can get their flagship model BLUBOO S8+ with 6-inch full-screen 18:9 display and 4 GB RAM+64 GB ROM for just $75. Not bad at all.
And there will be some other interesting deals too, like the BLUBOO S1 with Helio P25 processor for $75 too or the BLUBOO S8 with 3 GB RAM+32 GB ROM for $70. Or the new ultra budget BLUBOO D2 piece for a price of a good meal with $25.
Check out the official event’s page to get all the important information about it and maybe really try your luck in these snap-up events, because for such prices the phones are a steal.