Last year in October Microsoft officially admitted Windows Phone is dead. The software giant revealed they are no longer developing new features or hardware for Windows 10 Mobile. Thus the operating system is placed into servicing mode. Moreover, they revised their strategy and began working on multi-device scenarios and cloud-powered technologies. One of the reasons Microsoft gave up on Windows Phone is because developers were not interested in writing apps for the platform. Microsoft understood people don’t need Windows on their phones. They are interested in iOS and Android platforms only. Today an interesting statistics was revealed concerning the mobile operating systems market. And though the overall picture is not surprising, there are a couple of unexpected data.
The table below showcases data concerning only the big markets. But Windows Phone has almost the same market share in all of them, below 1%. Say, in Japan and Spain the Windows Phone market share is equal to 0, while in some European and American regions its market share is about 0.5%. Of course, there are markets providing a higher market share. Say, in Italy, Windows Phone market share is 1.9%. But in comparison to last year’s 4%, it has dropped a lot.
However, the most interesting part of this story is that while the global market share of Windows Phone has dropped dramatically, China’s Windows Phone market is actually doubled. From last year’s 0.1% it has increased to 0.2%. There is another unexpected trend. China’s Android market share has dropped by 4.6%, while it went in benefit of Apple that has increased its iOS market share from 19.7% to 24.3%.
IIRC Two significant Chinese phone manufacturers were going to commence their own linux based OS (Android and iOS phones are linux based)
Has this happened yet, I would have expected a bigger “Other” if it had