Chinese authorities have busted a smuggling ring that was using drones to ship $80 million worth Apple iPhone devices from Hong Kong to China. Curiously, it’s the first time in the country that drones were discovered for operating such business. The drones were been used to fly bags containing the iPhone devices, each bag contained more than 10 units of the Apple’s smartphone. Using the cover of darkness, the ring of 26 persons flew that drones after midnight in just a few seconds.
As you may know, China is responsible for the largest part of Drones being manufactured for the consumers market, and still haven’t found a way to regulate the operation of drones by citizens in the country. Worth noting that users flying drones up to a certain weight need to register their craft with the government before flying around the country sky.
According to reports from Shenzen Custom Authorities, they have been researching and monitoring the use of new technologies that are being used by smugglers in the region. Ironically, the Chinese authorities are going to use drones equipped with high-definition monitoring equipment in order to track illegal use of the technology.
Smugglers are known for been sneaking iPhones from Hong Kong into the Chinese market for some time. Back in June 2017, a woman was caught trying to carry 102 units of the Apple handset from Hong Kong to China. The Phones were taped to her body, which made her proportions look a little crazy, that called the attention of the authorities who caught the woman.