A memo that was posted on the internal blog of Apple details about the apprehension of 29 leakers of which 12 have been arrested for leaking information about the Cupertino-based tech company. The memo was spotted by folks at Bloomberg which detailed consequences faced by the leakers and the impact of leaks on the company.
Firing people who have leaked information regarding a company’s products is not something new. But it has become more frequent in recent times. Silicon Valley tech companies are strengthening their defences against leakers while at the same time reprimanding those who have been found guilty. Tim Cook pledged to double down on secrecy back in 2012 which has led to over 29 leakers being found in 2017.
The memo lists, not exclusively, the guilty as Apple employees, contractors and suppliers. Global Security has been working with Apple on this issue and is going the extra mile to ensure highest standards of security, both physical and technological. While doubling down on the effects, the memo also shares a thought as to why information gets leaked.
In many cases, leakers don’t set out to leak.
Here’s an excerpt:
In many cases, leakers don’t set out to leak. Instead, people who work for Apple are often targeted by press, analysts and bloggers who befriend them on professional and social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and begin to pry for information. While it may seem flattering to be approached, it’s important to remember that you’re getting played. The success of these outsiders is measured by obtaining Apple’s secrets from you and making them public. A scoop about an unreleased Apple product can generate massive traffic for a publication and financially benefit the blogger or reporter who broke it. But the Apple employee who leaks has everything to lose.
Leaking information has very destructive consequences for the perpetrators. Losing their jobs is just a part of it, jail time is another. A blotch this big on a person’s profile can be devastating for their personal and professional life. As said by Tom Moyer of Global Security,
“The potential criminal consequences of leaking are real and that can become part of your personal and professional identity forever.”