Sony’s flagship smartphones are known for many powerful features and specs, but they usually disappoint in the design department. The company has been dragging the Omni design look for such a long time that users have given up on a fresh redesign. However, it seemed with the Xperia XZ2 that Sony is finally having a heart change. The Japanese conglomerate held an interview recently in which it talked about its design choices and what the future holds. And it’s promising.
The company was quizzed about the latest bezel-less fad and while it did not say when it did say that new design concept on the same lines are being explored. Sony admitted that a new design could see them compromise the stereo speakers and the selfie camera if they went ahead. However, the OEM will not rush any innovation simply for the sake of it, instead, it wants users to have a viewing experience that is both pleasing to the eye while also being comfortable. This means that Sony is exploring options for a full bezel-less screen close to the Vivo Nex line.
The company also pointed out that the adoption of an 18:9 aspect ratio in the Xperia XZ2 was largely due to popularity. However, the same aspect ratio does not necessarily benefit all form factors. The company cited the example of the XZ2 Premium with 4K display. It was created for content viewing and that is why the 16:9 aspect ratio was preferred on it despite being a flagship. The company thinks that the 18:9 aspect ratio is not the ideal one currently for content as it created borders or it needs to stretch the original content to fit the screen.
All in all, Sony seems clear that they will be using new designs in the future when necessary but they will not compromise on the user experience. Sadly, the OEM didn’t point out when it planned to launch such smartphones but we hope that it happens in the near future.