World’s First Walkie-Talkie IP68 Rugged Phone ioutdoor T2 Now Only $39.99, Plus Giveaway!

ioutdoor T2

If you are the outdoorsy and active kind of traveler enthusiast, you could often come across a forest, a desert area or any other place where communication signals are weak or even totally missing. In those cases, you’d usually have to carry some professional outdoor gear such as tools, compass, walk-talkie and more, so that you can keep in contact with the rest of the world.

That said, there’s a device that could do all of that alone, we’re of course talking about the ioutdoor T2. A normal smartphone would fail you in those situations, drawbacks will include faster than usual battery draining, weaker signal reception and low durability – a simple drop and the phone might die. That’s why a waterproof, shockproof and dust proof rugged phone such as the T2 is probably the best overall option.

The ioutdoor T2 is a beast of a rugged phone that combines the walkie-talkie function, normal mobile phone features, a flashlight, a power bank and other practical functions.

ioutdoor T2

Equipped with a removable interphone antenna, the intercom distance is up to 5km with the frequency band supported going from 400-470 MHz. It also support dual-SIM with excellent signal penetration and it packs a large 4500mAh removable battery, for a standby time of up to 2 months. Plus it has an USB port so that it can be used as a mobile power bank if needed, for emergencies. The flashlight on the T2 is also quite powerful, so that it can really help you out when in the dark.

ioutdoor T2

The ioutdoor T2 packs lots of practical features, yet it comes with a retail price of just $59.99. Well, actually it can now be purchased for as low as $39.99 during the AliExpress store opening promo. There will only be 100 pieces available at $39.99, 500 at $49.99 and then price will go back to retail. If you’re interested, click here to learn more about the rugged phone or buy one.

Oh, there’s a giveaway running as well. Head over to the VK social to enter it!

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