The renowned audio equipment – Bose, is releasing a new Home Smart Speaker today to compete in the race for the best IoT device. The Bose Home Speaker 500, is a brand new smart speaker that has Amazon’s Alexa inside and retails for the $400 price tag.
Along with the Alexa smart assistant, the Bose Home Speaker 500 also includes a small display where the user can see the Album art of whatever is playing in the speaker. The speaker brings a premium build and design, featuring an aluminum coat and two custom drivers that are pointed to different positions. With that setup, the audio can be reflected off by surrounding walls.
The Home Speaker 500 also includes several numbered buttons that allow the user to set custom playlists shortcuts and quick start them by pressing any of the buttons. The users can also navigate through internet radio stations, and through albums and songs being listened.
According to Bose, its newest smart speaker will soon feature support for AirPlay2 and Google Assistant, however, it will not be available at launch. Last, but not least the Smart Speaker 500 feature the same mic technology present in the best Bose headsets, that allow it to hear the commands even in louder environments.
Don’t hold your breath for one yet, since it will only be available in October. However, if the Bose Smart Speaker really made into your heart, would be a good idea to already start to earn for it.