Chinese manufacturing giant, Xiaomi, has been doing quite well in the smart TV market. As of now, it has four smart TV’s which include the Xiaomi Mi TV 43-inches, Xiaomi Mi TV 32-inches, Xiaomi Mi TV 65-inches and Xiaomi Mi TV 75-inches. Earlier today, Xiaomi unveiled the 32-inch version sold for IDR 1999000 ($134 or 915 Yuan). This price tag came as a shock to many that attended the release event and the price announcement met a huge cheer from the crowd. This is because other TV’s with similar specs costs at least IDR 3999000 ($268). In China, the Xiaomi Mi TV 32-inch version is sold for 899 yuan thus its Indonesian price tag is consistent with its Chinese price.
Last month, Xiaomi made public its financial report for the first time after its HKEX listing and its smart TV performance was simply amazing. Xiaomi tops the list of smart TV brands for Q2 2018. This is coming after Xiaomi smart TV swiftly went out of stock in India due to very high demand. Looking at the global sale performance of Xiaomi TV, its sales increased by 350% year-on-year and the co-founder of Xiaomi and head of Xiaomi TV, Wang Chuan, believes that this is as a result of high quality, innovation, and perfect value.
According to Mr. Wang, the repair rate of Xiaomi TVs is 0.64% which is way below the average repair rate in the industry which is 2.6%. If you are interested in any of the Xiaomi TVs, check out the deals we found below
Buy the Xiaomi Mi TV 32-inch on Gearbest for $235.00
Buy the Xiaomi Mi TV 43-inch on Gearbest for $558.03