There’s a brand new Pocophone F1 OTA update available to download right now. MIUI build V9.6.18.0.OEJMIFD is 361MB and fixes a bunch of the device’s bugs. The update fixes the issue of certain apps not being able to launch. It also fixes the offset virtual buttons, making the AOSP styled in the process.
Camera performance has also seen some improvements, namely in the launching and processing of the app. The same applies to the Recorder app, while the Mi Roaming app has been outright removed. Other changes include general bug fixes, better system stability and performance and the July 2018 security patch.
If you’re a user of the Pocophone, then you should be receiving the update now. If you haven’t be sure to go into the phone’s updater and do a manual search for the Pocophone F1 OTA update. A full list of changes can be found below.